Page 65 of Feral Possession
Focus, Dove. Mental slap. This wasn’t the time to linger. She studied the rough edges of his spirit and carved a barrier around him. That done, it was time for phase two.
She raised her voice to the universe. “Powers that be, hear me. Earth, wind, fire, water, spirit. I summon you, demon entity.”
Marcus groaned, drawing her attention. She glanced down and found him writhing in his chains. Red lines pulsed beneath his skin. The image branded on his chest glowed with an unnatural light. His powerful body flexed, his spine arching. Holy crap. It was working. Almost.
“Marcus, let go,” Dove urged. “You have to allow the demon to come forward or this won’t work.”
“Can’t,” he grunted, sweat beading his forehead.
Darn it. This was going to be hard enough without him fighting her. “For once, you have to give up control. Let Shadow rise.”
Clearly, this was a man who’d never meditated. “Relax. Take a deep breath and exhale slowly.”
Thankfully, Marcus did as she instructed.
“Again,” she said in a gentle voice. “Now unclench your jaw, relax your arms, and let yourself sink into the mattress.”
By degrees, the tension in his muscles eased. He breathed deeply, three times. On the fourth, his body went limp.
Dove inched as close as she dared, biting her lip. “Marcus?”
His head lifted, and he peered back at her, left pupil glowing red. He pulled on the restraints, then scanned his body, scowling.
“Marcus, is that you?”
“Not Marcusss,” Shadow snarled, his tone demonic.
“Oh good,” she exhaled a sigh. “It’s working.”
“What is thisss?” Again, he rattled the chains.
Dove wrung her hands. She’d been dreading this part. Marcus accused her of becoming attached to the creature. He wasn’t wrong. “I’m sorry, Shadow. Truly, I am, but it’s time for you to go.”
He shook his head. “Stay.”
Her throat tightened. “I swear, somehow, I’ll find a way to send you home. No matter what, I won’t abandon you.” Nobody deserved that. Not even demon spirits.
“You are my home,” he said, stabbing daggers into her heart.
She hadn’t imagined it. They’d formed a bond. Which made this all the more difficult. “I’m sorry. This is what Marcus wants. It’s his body you’re inhabiting.”
Shadow lifted his head, snarling at her. “I go. He diesss.”
She shivered at the menace radiating from the demon. “You’d try to kill him?” Was that a promise or a warning?
“Dove, stop engaging the creature and get it done,” Bishop snapped.
“Very well.” She’d hoped to smooth things over with the demon. To make his transition easier. She should have known better.
She held out her hands and turned her focus inward, back to the well of power. “I summon you, demon spirit.” Using her third eye, she brought an image of his essence to mind. Hues of smoke, midnight, and ash took shape. She defined his edges, carving a hard outline around him.
“No,” the demon snarled. Within the circle, shadows swept from beneath the mattress, swirling around the bed. The bedframe rattled, hammering the floor. The demon struggled to free himself, to no avail. When that failed, he gathered the mist in a tight ball and launched it straight at her.
Dove cringed, bracing for impact. Muscular arms snapped around her. Bishop spun, placing himself between her and the projectile. Behind him, the magical dome she’d placed over Shadow-Steele flashed. Inky tendrils curled away from the barrier, vaporizing.
“You okay?” Bishop asked.