Page 71 of Feral Possession
Oh, she wanted to stay. Really, really wanted to stay, and that was why she needed to go. Yep. That’s what needed to happen, so why did she find herself stalling?
“I’ll, um, just grab something to eat. I’m not very sleepy.”
“Good,” he muttered into his pillow, closing his eyes again.
“Good? Why?” Was he trying to get rid of her? So much for that warm, tingling feeling he’d evoked.
His lips curled. A lock of dark hair tumbled over his forehead, giving the possessed vampire an almost boyish look. In that moment, she caught of glimpse of a much younger, untroubled man. “Because you snore.”
She opened her mouth to object, only to snap it shut again. He was right. She totally snored. Great goddess, Marcus Steele had heard her snore. Her cheeks warmed, and she slid out of bed. Then, unable to resist, she circled to his side, drew his covers up over his shoulders, and kissed his temple.
“Sweet dreams, Shadow-Steele,” she whispered. They’d earned it after being at war with each other for so long. She just prayed this new partnership remained amicable. Especially since Marcus had elected Dove, the Havenhouse delinquent, as their teacher.
One week later…
Dove raced out the side door of the mansion and into the servants’ courtyard. Panic nipped at her heels, propelling her into a full-out sprint. Her bare feet sped across the freshly mowed lawn. “This was a horrible idea.”
Shadows stretched out beneath the moon-lit sky. She scanned each one as she passed, certain at any moment she’d feel claws sink into her flesh. She dashed around a sculpted bush shaped like a stampeding horse. Her lungs wanted to burst. Harsh breaths threatened to give her away. Oh, why didn’t she do more cardio?
From the depths of the mansion echoed a hair-raising snarl. The predator was hot on her trail. Chills danced down her spine. Gah! She hated when he did that.
Into the rose garden she flew. Past hedges teeming with roses, racing headlong to her refuge. Lucky for her, the glass walls of the greenhouse were foggy and in desperate need of a good scrubbing. She dashed through the door, grateful when it didn’t squeak. Inside, large pots lined the space, their contents shriveled with neglect. Archie’s green thumb didn’t extend here, his focus fixed on maintaining the mansion and grounds.
She grabbed an abandoned work glove from the massive potting table, tiptoed to a windowpane, and buffed out a small peephole. With bated breath, she cupped her hands around her eyes and peered out. In the rose garden, nothing stirred. Not even the fireflies dared to reveal themselves. Her heart raced. Was it possible she’d actually outsmarted him?
Gentle fingers stroked her ankle. She yelped and spun, pressing her back to the dingy glass. “Show yourself, coward,” she declared in a firm voice, refusing to reveal how rattled she was. After all, this crazy game was her idea. How was she to know it would backfire so quickly?
Dark chuckling echoed in the enclosed space. Coming from everywhere and nowhere at the same time. Oh, that was just creepy. Despite her nervousness, her lips curled. Well played.
Shadows thickened, twirling around her ankles. Her breath caught at the gentle caress. The ghostly fingers stroked higher, coasting beneath the hem of her loose dress. She opened her mouth to protest, but no words formed. It just felt too good.
She closed her eyes and leaned her head back, a soft moan rising in her throat.
Heated breath dusted her cheekbones. Lips nuzzled her temple. Her ghost lover became flesh and blood. Against her ear, he whispered, “Tag, you’re it.”
Dove blinked, peering up at Marcus. “You cheated. You were supposed to count to one hundred.” Since the demon showed such a fondness for games, she’d decided to incorporate a few in Marcus’s practice sessions.
“I did.”
“Really?” She tilted her head. “You found me pretty fast.”
“The shadows guided me to you.” He grinned like a kid with a new toy. “As if they were an extension of my own senses.”
When the demon was properly motivated, he lent his host a considerable amount of his power. For the past week, they’d worked tirelessly on Shadow-Steele’s new abilities. There was still so much they didn’t know or understand about their merger. Several skills they’d simply stumbled upon. Pretty much, it was a lot of trial and error. Flying by the seat of their pants. Totally Dove’s style, if not Marcus’s.
“That’s a handy skill. We didn’t even realize you could do that.” Her tone deepened, turning sultry. “I especially liked that trick you did at the end.” To her utter delight, Marcus had grown more comfortable around her. His dreaded hood a thing of the past.
With mismatched eyes, he stared down at her, his gaze dipping to her mouth. Her insides tightened, and she rose up on her toes. She tilted her face, hoping he would clue into her signals. Come on, Steele. Kiss me. Kiss me. Kiss me!
Their mouths collided. His lips were tender yet possessive, taking as well as giving. Wanting to taste him, she asked nicely, licking his bottom lip. He opened his mouth, the thrust of his tongue setting off sparks inside of her. Heat coiled low in her stomach. She slid her arms over his broad shoulders, pressing the length of her body against his. Goddess, but the vampire could kiss.
She cupped the demonic side of his neck, stroking his textured flesh. Her fingertips tingled, the sensation like petting a dragon. Rather than recoil, he growled low, grasping her waist, pulling her in tighter. Relief flooded her and her heart twisted. It was one thing for him to bare his face to her, another when he welcomed her touch.
Firm hands grasped her bottom, fingers digging into her flesh. Needing to be even closer, she hopped up, circling her legs around his hips. He caught her easily, groaning against her mouth, and walked them to the nearest workbench.
There, he sat her on the wooden surface, breaking their kiss. Harsh breaths parted her throbbing lips. She gazed at him from beneath her lashes.