Page 94 of Feral Possession
The demon sensed her? Okaaay. This situation was getting more awkward by the minute. “I had a bad dream.”
It occurred to her an incorporeal being would be unfamiliar with the concept. “It’s images that play in your mind when you sleep. Some are good, some bad.”
“This was bad.”
“Tell me.”
She exhaled a heavy breath. Why not? “Marcus and I stood on top of a mountain of bodies. Those below us were lifeless. Soulless.” She shook her head, banishing the horrifying image. “There’s something I need to know. The spirits you’ve encountered. First, the security guard. Then Adam. What happened to them?”
“Gone how? Did you ravage their souls?” She dared to ask, though she feared the answer.
His brow furrowed. “They threatened you.”
Icy dread flooded her veins, and she shivered. “That’s a yes.”
“You are displeased?”
She sat up, clutching the sheet over her breasts. “Listen. I appreciate you protecting me, but destroying a soul is unacceptable.”
His energy darkened, thickening the air. “Reaping makes us strong.”
Us meaning him? Meaning their strange triangle? She rubbed her temples. When she’d tethered Adam’s spirit to his corpse, she’d never been so strong. Had Shadow lent her his stolen power? Was she his master? No, no, no. That was silly.
Regardless, the book was right. Shadow confirmed her worst nightmare. Her demonic spirit was a shade. The shade was a soul ravager. “You’ll need to find another way.”
“No other way. Necessary. I am not alone.”
She swallowed. “Are there other shades here?”
Just when she thought things couldn’t get worse. “How many? Who do they serve?”
“I do not know. I serve you.”
“Me?” she squeaked. “Not Marcus?”
“We are bound by blood. I am yours.”
Her brain cracked open like an egg. The golden yolk, broken and runny. “Hold up. How exactly are we bound in blood?” Her breath caught. “Oh dear. You mean the Chosen bond.”
“Your mate rises.” He closed his eyes, exhaling. Marcus’s scarred cheek smoothed. Her vampire resurfaced.
Dirty rat. That was way too convenient. “Shadow. Wait! Get back here. I have more—”
Marcus blinked and peered up at her, frowning when he found her sitting beside him. “What’s wrong?”
Everything! So much. So much was very wrong. Marcus was possessed by a soul ravager. According to Shadow, consuming those souls was necessary to defeat their enemies. Every soul he absorbed made him stronger. Problem was, Marcus was a vampire. When a vampire killed while feeding, it led to blood lust. There was a good chance consuming souls would make him hungrier for more. Where did it stop?
Worse, Dove had helped train the pair. That made her responsible for everything. Tears welled in her eyes. This was what happened when she got involved. When she stuck her nose into someone else’s business, things went wrong. So wrong. “I had a bad dream.” And woke to a nightmare.
“Come here.” He grabbed her arm and drew her into his side. Dove wept against his chest. “You’re okay now. Do you want to tell me about it?”