Page 2 of Cruising for a Daddy
Starting with this cruise.
Chapter 2
We’d driven straight through to Fort Lauderdale and then crashed in Carey’s car since it was only a few hours until we could board the ship. A friend of ours from school had been on a couple of cruises and gave us all the deets on how everything worked. He told us that our rooms may or may not be ready early on, but that was okay. We would drop off our luggage with the porter before we boarded, and then we could wander around the ship until it was ready. He said there would be food and drinks available from the start, and plenty of lounge chairs for us to chill on until it was time to go to the Sail Away party, which he insisted we didn’t want to miss.
I was so glad we’d talked to him because the whole thing was a little overwhelming, exciting, but still overwhelming. Once we’d gone through security and gotten completely checked in, we received the bracelets that were how we would pay for everything on the ship as well as get into our rooms when they were ready for us. We boarded and wandered around a little bit to make sure we knew where we were going. It didn’t take long for me to realize that it would take more than a quick walkabout to learn where everything was, and I was sure I would get lost more than once. I also noticed there were what I assumed were crew members scurrying about everywhere, getting the ship ready to set sail. Jimmy had told us if we ever had any questions or got turned around just to ask one of them because it happened all the time.
We found the hallway that led to our cabin, but it wasn’t open yet, which didn’t surprise us since, when we checked in, they’d told us they probably wouldn’t be but that they would be ready by one PM at the latest.
Next, we found our way to the area where our group would be meeting tonight after dinner for the first of the Daddy/boy events. Once we’d located that, we made our way up to the lido deck to see where the Sail Away party would take place.
“Dude,” Carey said, taking it all in. “This is going to be the most awesome week ever! Hell, I may not leave the ship at all.”
I looked around at the massive swimming pool, the lounge chairs with the huge screen hanging up above, all the people already wandering around with drinks in their hands, and chuckled. “This all looks right up your alley, no lie. But I can’t wait to go ashore. I mean, seriously, the shops and the food, not to mention the culture and the people.”
“Just don’t forget why we’re here, Ollie. It ain’t for the kallaloo soup and fungi, my friend. We’re here to meet the Daddies, and they’re on the boat, not on an island.”
“Believe me, I haven’t forgotten. But that doesn’t mean we can’t enjoy the other parts of the trip as well. Now, speaking of food, let’s go grab something to eat while we wait for the Sail Away party to start.”
The driver dropped us off a little before three. Harper had pushed me to get here earlier, but I didn’t see any need. I figured a seven-day cruise meant plenty of time on the ship without us spending hours on the ship before it even left the pier.
Once our luggage was with the porter, we got checked in and made our way to our suites. I walked over to the balcony, opened the sliding door, and stepped outside. It was really nice, and I was sure I’d enjoy it for the week that we’d be on the cruise. But for today, all I felt was the oppressive heat and humidity of south Florida. I went back inside, shutting the door to keep the heat outside where it belonged, and I sat down on the couch in the sitting area in my room. I stretched out my legs, putting my feet up on the coffee table, and searched for something to watch on the big-screen television that hung on the wall opposite the couch.
I figured I would sit here and watch a little TV and relax until they delivered my luggage to the room. Then I could put everything away. Hopefully, before all the linen items that Harper insisted I buy for this trip wrinkled too badly. If not, I’d have to send them out to be ironed. And that was why, before our shopping trip, I’d chosen my clothing based on ease of use, not style. Of course, my plan was not to be. I didn’t even manage to find a show that interested me before someone was banging on my door. I sighed and rolled my eyes. Harper. She’d never done a blasted thing halfway, including knocking on a door.
I got up from the couch and walked over to the door, jerking it open mid-knock. “What, Harper?”
“It’s time to go up to the lido deck for the Sail Away party. We didn’t sign you up for this cruise so you could spend it in your cabin. Come on.”
“I wasn’t planning on spending it in my cabin, for your information. I have the meet and greet tonight for the Daddy/boy group, remember?”
“I remember, but meeting a boy isn’t the only reason I wanted you to come. You need to let loose and have some fun, and the fun starts in”—she paused and looked at her phone—“about fifteen minutes. So come on.”
“Fine.” I sighed. I’d never been good at telling Harper no, and she knew that. “Lead the way.”
Harper and Bree had been on cruises many times, so it was no surprise to me that she’d have no problem finding her way around. “Bree’s waiting for us. She and I went up there first thing to try and grab us a table, which we wouldn’t have had to do if you hadn’t insisted on making us so late getting here. Luckily, we were able to snag one when a group left.”
It didn’t take long for us to make our way up to the deck, and sure enough, the party was getting started. I followed her through the crowd who’d assembled until we came out on the far side where Bree sat at a table drinking a fruity cocktail of some kind and eating off a plate piled high with food.
“What’s that?” I asked, pointing at the drink.
“It’s a Miami Vice. It’s the drink of the day for the party. You want one?” She turned around, looking for the server.
“I guess I could take one.” She waved at the girl who was walking around with a tray of drinks, and she made her way to us. She scanned my bracelet and handed me the drink. I sat back and watched as more and more people made their way onto the deck for the party.
“Come on, everyone!” a voice boomed over the speaker. “Let’s get this vacation started!” The heavy beat of a dance song started as a group of performers came out onto a platform and began a choreographed performance. The crowd erupted in a cheer, and a bunch of the guests started to dance, really getting into the music and the spirit of the day.
I had no intentions of joining in, but I sure didn’t mind sitting, enjoying my drink, and watching while other people danced. There was a good mix of all kinds of people out there, but of course, my eyes were drawn to the men. The song had a fast beat that was designed to get everyone pumped up, and it seemed to be working. I scanned the crowd, but I didn’t see anyone who really did it for me. But hadn’t that been my problem back home when I went to the clubs? Even guys I found attractive just didn’t appeal to me somehow.
At least that was the case until the couple right in front of me burst out laughing and moved to the side, opening the way for my eyes to land on the most beautiful young man I’d ever seen. He couldn’t have been more than twenty-two or twenty-three, which was younger than normal for me, but he was stunning. I watched as he danced with such abandon it made me smile. He was obviously having a great time dancing with another guy who I was guessing was a friend. They didn’t move together in a way that made me think they were more, but they didn’t seem like strangers either. The other man grabbed him by the hand and twirled him around, both of them laughing, and man, his smile was stunning.
Even if I didn’t want to go on a cruise, it was worth it just to get to sit here and watch him dance for a while. I took a drink of my cocktail as his friend spun him around again, and our eyes met. I felt an immediate pull, almost like our gazes somehow connected us. Which was ridiculous. For one thing, he was way too young for me. And next of all, we hadn’t even set sail, yet. There was no way I would find someone before we even left the pier. I chuckled to myself at how ridiculous I was being when I heard Bree say my name in a tone that let me know she’d already said it more than once. I reluctantly looked away from the young man to see what she needed. It was hard to hear her over the music, so I leaned closer to catch what she was saying.
“I was asking if your get-together tonight was before or after dinner?” she asked.