Page 18 of Controlled Burn
“I’ll be back later, guys.” I stood and headed in his direction. There was no way I was letting a piece of scum like Demarco get his hands on Caleb.
I cut through the dance floor and headed straight for Caleb. I was about halfway across the floor when he looked my way and saw me coming. His eyes widened, and his lips parted in surprise. Yeah, didn’t expect to see me here, did you, boy?
Just as I made it to them, Sebastian realized something was up and turned to look over his shoulder. His nostrils flared, and he curled his lip, baring his teeth at me. “What do you want, Brooks?”
“I want you to get your hands off my boy, asshole,” I growled back.
Even an asshole like Sebastian wouldn’t dare try to poach another Daddy’s boy. At least, not if he wanted to keep coming to this event.
Caleb sucked in a breath, but he didn’t contradict me.
“Sorry, man. I didn’t know.”
“Well, now you do, so go.” I motioned away from Caleb with my head.
“Fine, but tell your boy he better not lead men on like that, cause one of these days you won’t be around to save him.”
That man was testing my fucking patience. I took a step towards him, but before I reached him, he turned and scurried away like the rat he was.
“I wasn’t leading him on. Honest, Keith.”
“I didn’t think you were, but what are you doing here?”
He rolled his eyes and shook his head. “It was dumb, and it doesn’t matter. I’d already decided to leave before he approached me, anyway.”
I glanced at his drink sitting on the bar. “You weren’t driving, were you?”
“Of course not. I’m not stupid. I was going to call a ride-share.”
“Let me take you home. I’ll just text my brother and let him know I’ll see him back at my house.”
“You don’t have to do that. There’s no reason for you to cut your night short. Like I said, I can call for a ride.”
“I won’t be cutting it short. We just got here, and if I remember correctly, you don’t live far away. I’ll just run you home and then come back.”
“You’re not gonna take no for an answer, are you?” he asked, sounding defeated.
“I always take no for an answer unless that no puts you or someone else’s safety at risk. Like tonight.” I pulled out my phone and shot a text to Nash, letting him know I was running a friend home, but I would be back shortly.
I took out a twenty, placed it on the bar, then sat Caleb’s glass on top of it, nodding at Jesse to make sure he saw it. Then I placed my hand on the small of Caleb’s back and directed him towards the door.
Of all the people in the entire city of Vesper that I could run into tonight of all nights, it had to be Keith Brooks. Not that I hadn’t been glad to see him, because I was. I was getting some bad vibes from that Sebastian guy, so I appreciated the assist.
As a matter of fact, I’d been so grateful it’d taken a minute for the implication of him being there for Daddy/boy Night to kick in. But when he’d looked at Sebastian and growled, and yes, I mean literally growled, “Get your hands off my boy,” it clicked.
Keith was a Daddy, because, of course, he was. I couldn’t believe I didn’t realize it before. Like if you asked me to choose one man I knew who fit the image of about half the Daddies in the romances I loved to read, it would be Keith. He was brave and strong and protective. Not to mention, he had a heart the size of Texas. The idea of a man like him wanting anything to do with a guy like me was ridiculous. And the Daddies I did attract didn’t appeal to me. Which all went to prove that I wasn’t meant to have a Daddy of my own.
I’d seen Keith’s car in my father’s driveway many times, but I’d never ridden in it. It looked like the kind of car you would take drag racing, not drive around town on a daily basis. He opened the passenger door and waited for me to get in, then closed the door behind me.
He jogged around the front of the car, got in, and then started up the engine. He checked to make sure I’d buckled my seat belt, which of course I had. He nodded at me in approval and then buckled his own. He didn’t say a word as he pulled out onto the street, so I thought maybe he was just going to take me to the apartment complex and drop me off without giving me any lectures or asking any questions. But he put an end to that fantasy as soon as he got on the main road.
“Now, are you gonna tell me what you were doing at Kirby’s tonight?”
“Nope,” I said, sounding just as petulant and childish as I felt.
“Caleb.” His deep, growly voice made that sound more like a warning than a statement.