Page 26 of Controlled Burn
Caleb: Fine. How about you?
Keith: Good. What are you going to have for breakfast since your fridge is empty?
Caleb: No worries, I’ll stop at Connections and get a muffin and some coffee.
Wednesday Afternoon
Keith: How was your day?
Caleb: It was a good one. How was yours?
Keith: Not bad. I cleared out a new spot in my backyard for an herb garden.
Caleb: I didn’t know you gardened.
Keith: I’m guessing there’s a lot you don’t know about me. But we have plenty of time to learn.
Thursday Morning
Keith: Good morning, baby boy.
Caleb: Morning.
Keith: Did you get a good night’s sleep?
Caleb: So, so, I stayed up too late reading.
Keith: Is that something you do often?
Caleb: Have you ever seen that meme that says I say I have insomnia, but what I really have is a good book and lack of respect for tomorrow?
Keith: LOL yes I have.
Caleb: Well, that’s what I have.
Keith: We’ll talk about that another time because that isn’t a good choice.
Thursday Afternoon
Keith: I know you’re at work, but I wanted you to know I wasted my whole day reading. I’ll be needing book two soon.
Caleb: It’s good, isn’t it?
Keith: So good.
Caleb: I can bring book two with me on Saturday night.
Keith: Thanks, baby boy.
Thursday Night
Caleb: Do you watch much television?
Keith: Not really. Why?
Caleb: Cause I’ve been watching this show called Black Sails, and for some reason, it made me think of you. I thought you might like it.
Keith: I’ll have to check it out.