Page 33 of Controlled Burn
“Yeah, but also because I don’t have to convince myself to make the right choice or the healthy choice. I have to because that’s the rule.”
“Okay, rules are definitely something we can try out. Anything else?”
“I like that the Daddies always seem very tactile with their boys.”
I chuckled. “So you like touch, do you?”
His cheeks turned pink, and he looked down.
“Caleb,” I said firmly, and he jerked his head up, meeting my eyes.
“Rule number one. You never have to be embarrassed to tell me anything. You hear me?” He nodded his head. “Okay then, let’s try that again. You like touch?”
“I do. Hugs and cuddles are the best.”
“Good boy. I can’t give you what you need if I don’t know.”
By the time we’d finished talking, we were done eating. I thought about asking him to stay and watch a movie, but we’d covered enough for one night, and I had the feeling Caleb was one of those people who needed time to think about things.
We took our dishes to the kitchen, and I walked him to the door. “Are you feeling okay about things?”
He looked up at me and smiled. “Actually, I am.”
“Good. Now, come give me a hug before you go.” He’d been brave enough to admit touch was important to him, so there was no way I was letting him leave without a hug, and if I held on just a little too long, that was just because I knew he needed it. Not because he fit in my arms like he belonged there.
Dinner with Keith last night hadn’t been anything like I’d expected. Not that I knew exactly what I thought it would be like, but an entire night of him listening to me talk about what I wanted wasn’t it.
He’d sent me home with orders to think about what we’d talked about and to make a list of foods I liked that I would want to put in my meal rotation.
I’d started out nervous, but by the time I left, I was feeling pretty good about what we were doing. I bet Keith was a wonderful Daddy. It made me wonder why he didn’t have a boy of his own.
I’d done a little more research on meal planning and came up with a few ideas. I was working on a shopping list when I got my first text of the morning.
Keith: Good morning, baby boy. How are you?
Me: I’m good. I’m working on my grocery list.
Keith: Good boy. What time will you be ready to go to the store?
I still couldn’t believe he wanted to go shopping with me.
Me: Anytime. But if I’m going to get the week’s meals prepped, it should probably be soon.
Keith: Can you be ready in thirty minutes?
Me: I can.
I took a quick shower, put on a pair of shorts and a Vesper Loves Books shirt I got from the library, and waited for him when he arrived.
I opened up the door, and he stepped inside, pulling me into another of his amazing bear hugs.
“Morning, baby boy.”
“Good morning.”
He stepped back and grinned at me, rubbing his hands together. “Are you ready to get started?”