Page 87 of Controlled Burn
“Rabbit,” he said quietly. “I’m fine. If there’s anything I need, I can get up and get it, okay? I promise. I’m alright.”
I was being silly, and I knew it. But after the scare I’d had yesterday, I really didn’t want to let him out of my sight. Not even long enough to go get clothes.
“I know, it’s just—”
“You were scared. I know, Rabbit. But I’m okay. Come ‘er.” He opened up his arms for me, and I scurried over and fell into his embrace.
“You’re the one who got hurt. I should take care of you, not the other way around.”
“Baby boy, listen to me. I was lucky. I got knocked out, and by the time I was awake, they’d fixed me all up. You’re the one who spent hours standing by, waiting to hear if I would make it or not. I’m. Just. Fine.” He kissed me on the forehead. “And you will be, too. Now go get your stuff because you won’t be staying in that apartment again anytime soon.”
I chuckled against his chest.
“What’s so funny, Rabbit?”
“Bruised, battered, and broken… but still bossy.” I grinned up at him.
“Damn straight, and you love it. Now go get what you need.”
Chapter 31
On Saturday morning, I was running around trying to make sure everything was just right for Keith’s brother’s visit. He could have told me I was being ridiculous, but we both knew it, so instead, he sat on the couch with his foot propped up and watched me with amusement.
Finally, after a while, when I breezed through the living room with an extra throw I’d found in the hall closet, he cleared his throat to get my attention. “You do realize that my brother and Spencer have been here before. This isn’t their first time.”
“I know, but it’s the first time they’ve been here with me here. I just—” I looked around at Keith’s neat and tidy house and laughed. “I just want them to like me, and for some reason, that transferred over to wanting them to think I was taking good care of you and your house.”
“Rabbit, they’re going to love you, and do you know how I know that?”
“How?” I asked.
“Because I love you, and you make me happy. That’s all my brother cares about. Now come over and sit down and watch this movie with me while we wait for them to get here.”
We didn’t make it through half the movie before the doorbell rang. I hopped up and made a feeble attempt to straighten my clothes before going to let them in.
When I opened the door, I was taken aback for a second. Nash looked so much like Keith. He was a bit shorter, and he was leaner than Keith was, probably because his muscles came from hard work, not the firehouse gym, but still, the resemblance was undeniable. A shorter, sweet-looking guy with curly hair stood beside him.
“Caleb,” Nash said, reaching for me to pull me into a hug. “It’s been ages. Hell, we were in what fourth or fifth grade when you moved away?”
“It was the summer between, but yeah, it’s been a long time. You must be Spencer.”
“I am. How are you doing? I know this has been a harrowing couple of days. One of my dads is a first responder. It’s nerve-wracking.”
“Oh really? What does he do?” I asked, and then realized we were still standing at the door. “I’m sorry, come in. You can tell me inside.” They followed me in, and I kept talking as I was prone to do when I got nervous. “Not only that, but I didn’t answer your question. I’m doing okay. It was scary, but he’s okay.”
We stepped into the den, and I waved my hand at him like I wanted to prove my point. “See, a-okay.” Fuck, why was I such an idiot? They thought I was an idiot, didn’t they? But thank goodness, by that point, they weren’t paying any attention to me at all. They were focused on Keith.
He glanced around and found me standing off to the side, unsure what exactly to do at that point, so he patted the seat beside him on the couch and motioned for me to come. I did as he wanted and took the seat next to him while they talked.
Spencer asked him about what the doctor had to say about his injury, and that was when I remembered that Keith had told me Spencer was a nurse. They talked for a few minutes before Nash’s attention shifted to me.
“So, Caleb, tell us about you. How are you enjoying being back in Vesper?”
“I like it,” I said. “I love my job at the library, and I’ve made some good friends. Do you remember Ezra Friedman?”
“Sure, we never hung out or anything, but he was a good guy.”