Page 22 of Impossible Rapids
Sure, her friend was in heaven and men who lost their spouse to death usually remarried within twenty-two point seven months. She couldn’t believe she’d Googled that statistic late last night. It hadn’t been almost two years yet. It had been eight days.
She yanked her hand free. “Unappealing nickname, remember?” She had to tease so he didn’t know she knew what that word meant. “I’ve got to change. Do you want to come in?”
“I’ll wait out here.” He cast a glance around her quiet condo complex. Paparazzi had often targeted Mercedes. Were they after Shawn now? She wouldn’t blame them. She wanted to take multiple pictures of him in this suit with his new haircut and those blue eyes staring straight into the camera. Then she would plaster her condo with life-size photos of him.
Oh, boy. She turned to go.
“You mean you’re not wearing that?” He smirked at her, gesturing toward her robe.
“Flattering as it is, the robe is not the ticket for a beach wedding.”
His blue eyes grew darker, smoldering with a longing for her that she could not be imagining. The moment built, and she was an instant away from throwing herself into his arms, finding out for herself if kissing Shawn was everything she’d dreamed about since she first met him three years ago.
He glanced around again, checking for … what, exactly? As she followed his gaze, she saw a huddle of their security watching at a discreet distance.
It broke the spell, and she felt hot shame. She was flirting viciously with Mercedes’s husband. Ugh. She hated that word.
Sorry, friend. I’m jealous and I hate that too.
Stop, girl, she heard Mercedes’s voice in her head.
Shawn’s eyes flitted around one more time. What was it? Julie wasn’t in any danger.
“Is everything okay?” she asked Shawn.
He met her gaze. “I don’t like being away from Franz.”
Her eyebrows lifted. He and Franz were growing closer than ever, it seemed. Shawn was loyal and an incredible bodyguard. She knew that from the many times he’d protected Mercedes.
“I think he’s safe in the armored car in my parking lot,” she tried to tease.
Shawn met her gaze. His own eyes looked … unsettled and worried.
“Shawn.” She stepped in closer. “What happened?”
He blew out a breath and shook his head. “You and Franz have to be safe,” he said softly, studying her like she was a glass vase that could shatter at any moment.
“I have four guards close to me at all times,” she said, trying to laugh. If he wanted her safe, why didn’t he stay close to her? “I don’t know why I would be in any danger. I’m just the assistant.”
“You aren’t ‘just’ anything,” Shawn said, his voice fierce and his gaze intense. “You are the most important person ...”
Julie’s eyes widened and her heart raced. Was he saying …
“Franz can’t lose you,” he said quickly, easing back and looking around again. “We have to keep you safe.”
“That makes sense.” Her hopes of him declaring his love dropped, but as he met her gaze again, she thought he agreed that though Franz cared for her and he was obviously a mess after losing his last remaining family member, it wasn’t all about Franz not losing her.
Shawn wanted her safe. He was a caring and conscientious friend. That didn’t mean she was his greatest love. “I’ll be right back.”
He nodded to her and pulled the door closed, staying out on the porch.
She hurried back to her bedroom. Her eyes landed on the white dress with smoky-blue flowers. It would match Shawn’s tie. She slid into it, appreciating the way the silk draped perfectly but was comfortable. Strapping on white sandals with a two-inch heel, she grabbed the bag she’d packed. What was it going to be like with her and Shawn? Awkward or thrilling? Would they keep having these exhilarating moments that made her worry she was betraying her best friend?
No worries!
Of course no worries for you, she scolded back.
Was Shawn ready to move on from the angelic, happy, and perfect Mercedes? That didn’t fit his ultra-loyal personality and made Julie defensive for her friend and angry at herself for even thinking it.