Page 27 of Impossible Rapids
“I know those shows can be busy and challenging.” She smiled up at Jagger. “But it’ll be a change of pace from your ‘busy’ business world. Correct?”
Again, they nodded. Shawn was surprised he hadn’t minded the business world so far. Franz had been right there figuratively holding his hand, but his new employees and boards of advisors had all been compassionate, welcoming, and helpful. Nobody so far had balked at the usurper taking over or tried to insert Lucas or Arianna Belle into his spot. Maybe he could fit in as a billionaire and do the right things for Franz and Mercedes’s family legacy, fortune, and charity foundations. The only thing he didn’t think he’d ever get used to was women saying suggestive lines to him when he was out in public. Another reason he wished he could have Julie by his side.
“Let yourselves relax and feel all the feels that week—adventure, fun, excitement, grief, love …”
Belinda paused, and Shawn feared everyone could hear his heart beating too loudly and too quickly. Love? Was he that transparent? Maybe she meant love of friends, but her blue eyes didn’t say she meant that.
“You were Mercedes’s best friends. She’d want you to lean on each other and trust each other.” Belinda leaned into Jagger’s shoulder.
Could Belinda read minds? How did she know he’d thought he and Julie should lean on each other, or his weird tree analogy? How did Belinda know he trusted Julie as much as Franz, Jagger, or Hays? She didn’t know he loved her. Right?
“That’s my challenge to you. Take that time to mourn, to relax and have fun, and to let your guard down.”
Shawn had no idea what to say. He was relieved that Franz was completely engaged in his conversation with Belinda’s parents. He wanted to let his guard down around the beautiful woman seated stiffly at his side, but he was afraid he’d share secrets even Jagger and Hays didn’t know, or he’d wrap her up and kiss her for a very long time.
The latter sounded like the best idea he’d had in a while, but what about the aftermath?
“Oh!” Belinda cried out. “It’s time to get my dress on and marry the love of my life!” She kissed Jagger thoroughly, jumped to her feet, and shoved her chair back with a clatter. “See you all soon. I’m off to get beautiful for my wedding.”
“You are already far too beautiful,” Jagger said, standing and wrapping his arm around her.
The two of them walked off, whispering to each other with huge grins on their faces.
As they walked through the open back patio doors, Belinda shoved at Jagger’s chest and scolded him loudly, “Don’t you start with me. I’ll sting you like a bee. You know I will.”
Jagger laughed and swooped her off her feet and against his chest. “That’s all right. All I care about is my sweet, sweet honey.” He carried her through the open living area and toward the staircase.
Belinda giggled with delight and then arched up and kissed him. They were kissing very intensely before they reached the stairs.
Shawn glanced away from the happy couple and met Julie’s gaze. Something about the heated kisses they’d just witnessed made heat race through him. He searched Julie’s deep brown eyes. Had she ever been kissed like that? He’d certainly never kissed anyone like that.
How would that be? To kiss the woman you were going to marry as you carried her up the stairs to prepare for your wedding. Shawn’s own wedding had been a farce, and at least he and Mercedes were able to laugh later about the awkward kisses they’d had to share for the sake of future media exposure. Him kissing Mercedes was probably about the equivalent of him kissing Jagger on a romance scale. His brow furrowed. Okay, maybe not as bad as kissing Jagger.
Chairs pushed back from the table, and Shawn realized Franz, the Ralphs, and Hays were all standing. He broke from Julie’s gaze and hurried to pull out her chair and help her up with a hand under her elbow. It was a simple touch, but it did funny things to his hand and his gut.
“Thank you,” she said, a breathless quality to her voice that made his pulse skitter.
He nodded, unable to trust his own voice.
Hays and the Ralphs went to change. Julie had Franz and Shawn rearrange some chairs and fussed with flowers, determining where the bride and groom should stand. He and Franz met each other’s gazes and smiled. But there was sadness there. Julie and Mercedes would’ve been scheming and coming up with ideas together. Now it was Julie by herself, and neither of them were much help.
Pastor Ralphs and Hays came down the stairs first, Jagger shortly after. They all looked ‘dapper and handsome’ in their suits. At least that was what Julie told them. Shawn did up his shirt, tied his tie, and shrugged into his coat. He caught Julie watching him and wondered if she thought Hays looked more handsome than him. Hays was a tall, dark, and handsome kind of guy, whereas Shawn had dirty-blond hair and washed-out blue eyes. How could he compete with a special ops hero like Hays?
Since they were eloping and the wedding party was so small, Belinda had decided only she and Jagger would stand up by her dad, who would officiate. No bridesmaid or groomsmen. That was fine with Shawn, and he could imagine Jagger appreciated it too.
He kept glancing at Julie. She had a camera in hand now, and as soon as they heard rustling on the steps, Julie called out, “Jagger, go stand by Pastor Ralphs. Shawn, Franz, and Hays, stand by your chairs.”
They all obeyed, and she turned and started clicking photos as Belinda and her mom walked arm in arm down the stairs. It was untraditional to have the mother escort the bride, but since the dad was officiating, it worked, and Jagger couldn’t care less about tradition.
The bride was beautiful in a classic satin dress, her blonde hair covered in a filmy veil, but her face was uncovered. She and Jagger both sparkled with happiness.
The ceremony was good. Touching. The pastor had tears rolling down his craggy cheeks as he spoke about the trials the couple had been through. “I pray your long battle to be together will make you stronger as a couple. May you value each moment you have. I pray that you never take each other for granted.”
“Never,” Belinda vowed fiercely.
Jagger grinned and nodded, sobering to say, “I’ll appreciate every moment with my Bee.”
“The two of you are exemplary models of the Savior’s grace and forgiving others. I’ve felt the blessing of your forgiveness deeply.” Pastor Ralphs swallowed and looked affectionately at Jagger.