Page 3 of Impossible Rapids
Who was he kidding? His life had never been normal, and soon he’d have the responsibility of a fortune he had no desire for and no real claim to. He could only imagine Franz’s cousins would have a lot to say about the multi-generational Belle wealth and family legacy going to a nobody.
Speak of the devil’s minions. The next couple in line stepped up to Franz, and the muscles in Shawn’s upper body engaged. He pressed closer to Franz and glowered as fiercely as he could. He’d read in media articles that it was pretty fierce. ‘The Viking Warrior glowers at Mercedes Belle’s admirers, striking fear into any would-be suitors’ hearts.’ He’d read other such drivel, and he and Mercedes had laughed about it.
The woman glanced at Shawn and cowered into her husband. The man sneered almost as impressively as Shawn could.
“Don’t think you’ll be the one to get away with my money, you whelp,” Lucas Belle said in a low voice. “I foresee an unfortunate accident in your future.”
“Oh, we’re threatening each other now?” Shawn smirked. “My turn.” He leaned in. “You get close to or threaten Franz again, and it will be the last gurgling noise that ever escapes your throat.”
Arianna whimpered.
“You think you could kill me?” Lucas bit out.
“I could do anything I wanted to you, but I’d simply remove your tongue.” Shawn smiled coldly.
“Make all the threats you want. We’ll see who has the last laugh. You’ve got no legal leg to stand on.”
“We’ll see about that.” Franz threw in. He acted as calm and confident as Shawn had seen him in days. Good for him.
It was interesting that Lucas appeared convinced the fortune would go to Shawn as the closest living relative. Was he simply speculating and trying to trip them up, or did he have an inside source? He’d have to talk to Franz about that later.
“You are not welcome here,” Shawn said. “It would be my honor to personally escort you off the premises, or you can choose the assistance of our capable security team, unless you’d rather leave without making a scene. What will it be?”
“You aren’t blood, Shawn Holister,” Lucas said. “You’re an imposter who has no right. You’d better watch your back.” Then he ushered his whimpering wife away, not looking back.
The next couple in line was crowding in, but Franz glanced up at Shawn. “Don’t underestimate him.”
“I won’t.”
It was a pledge. Another one. Shawn’s pledges to the Belle family were so numerous he should probably write them all down so he wouldn’t overlook anything.
He put his hand on the casket again.
For Mercedes and Grayson. They’d both loved him and only seen the good in him.
He’d do whatever he must for them.
Julie Pandoran somehow made it through the graveside service of her dear friend Mercedes Belle with only a few tears and twenty-seven glances at Shawn Holister. Maybe that was why she hadn’t cried as much as she thought she would. She’d been counting how few times she snuck a peek at Shawn’s handsome profile instead of listening to the preacher or registering that Mercedes was truly gone.
Gone. How did a light as bright as Mercedes get snuffed out? Julie knew Mercedes was shining even brighter in heaven. Her friend’s spirit had shed her sickly body and there would be no limit to the happiness she could create. The angels in heaven were in for a treat.
If only Julie could steal her deceased friend’s boyfriend.
Whoa, chick, she said to herself.
It was a whole bucket full of no on the Shawn obsession.
Go for it, sis, Mercedes’s voice said in her head.
Not only no, but heck to the no, she shot back.
She heard Mercedes’s quips often and knew it was because they’d been so close, but it comforted her and made her feel like her friend wasn’t really gone.
A few days before Mercedes died, she and Julie had watched Shawn walk out of the hospital room to take a call. “He certainly … is a handsome … Viking Warrior,” Mercedes had whispered in halting breaths. Then she had turned to Julie and tsked. “Chin up … Things aren’t always … as they seem.” She had laughed softly at Julie’s confusion.