Page 3 of Innocent Intent
If he cheated, could I forgive him?
No. Absolutely not.
“Cass, you okay?” The frown on Greg’s face had her climbing out of the dark hole her thoughts had sunk into.
“Yes, I’m fine.”
She wasn’t fine. Her mind was sprinting in a million different directions, but something deep within, that small voice that she wanted to ignore but couldn’t, was clawing at the back of her brain, pushing in a way that meant she was going through with this.
“Good, let’s go.”
Cassidy exited the car and followed Greg through the massive glass doors to enter the building, through the lobby, and then to the elevator. She remained quiet as they stepped inside, only for her heart to race again once he punched the third floor. Her mind flashed back to the night prior.
Just a coincidence.
Once they reached the third floor, Cassidy’s past came flooding back. It had been years since she’d found herself submerged in a situation like the current one, but not much had changed. Truthfully, only the faces and the location.
A uniformed officer met them outside the apartment as they neared the crime scene. While they both slipped on the protective booties and latex gloves that were handed over, an officer brought Gregory up to speed on what they’d discovered thus far. Once properly suited to avoid compromising the crime scene, Cassidy slowly scanned her surroundings. She took in the lingering residents and the handful of people working the scene, moving in and out of the apartment. Nothing seemed out of place. Just a typical crime scene. It wasn’t until the uniformed officer extended a gloved hand toward Gregory that Cassidy brought her focus back to them.
The officer held an opened leather wallet, which exposed a driver’s license from another state. “Guy’s name is Jerrod Williams. The apartment is his based on what little we have so far. Found a stack of mail on the counter. Utility bills, credit card statements, and cable bills. They match the name on the license.”
“You speak to any of the neighbors yet?”
“A few. Said they don’t know much about him. One did say he’s been here for at least a year. She’s seen him coming and going, mostly with women. Maybe that’s what got him killed. Someone didn’t like being one of many.”
Cassidy frowned at the way the officer made light of a man losing his life but kept her thoughts to herself.
“Maybe. They done in there?” Greg glanced around and motioned to the open door with a nod.
“Still collecting evidence and getting photos. The MEs are tending to the body, though. Should have this wrapped up soon. You can go on in.”
Greg nodded and glanced at Cassidy when he noticed the uniform staring curtly. After checking the guy’s badge, he decided to make an introduction. “Officer Carter, this is Cassidy Evans, criminal psychologist and forensic profiler.”
The officer nodded, and his expression tensed. “This doesn’t seem like the type of case that needs a profiler.”
“I’m here in an unofficial capacity. Just tagging along with an old friend.”
Carter glanced at Greg. They had been to a few crime scenes together, and Carter knew of Greg and his record. Stand-up guy who followed the rules, but he still questioned bringing in a civilian, which Cassidy would be if she weren’t there in an official capacity.
“You sure that’s a good idea?”
Greg glanced at the guy and tilted his head to the side. “My crime scene. My call. I’m giving her clearance.”
Carter shrugged and stepped away, giving them more access. “Your call, Detective. Not my business.”
“You sure this is a good idea?” Cassidy questioned.
“You’ve done this a million times before. You know the protocol.”
“Stay out of the way, and don’t touch anything.”
Greg nodded with a smile. “Come on, let’s go.”
As soon as they entered the apartment, nostalgia set in. Uniforms were moving about bagging items, taking photos, and whispering amongst themselves. No one paid much attention to anything besides what they were working on.
“Where’s the body?” Greg asked. A female uniformed officer pointed to her left as she took in Greg and Cassidy.