Page 43 of Innocent Intent
“Things are as well as to be expected, considering.” She’d made the same statement to Harper the day Davis had brought her in for questions weeks ago. She was unwilling to open up and share with Harper as much as she had with Davis. The truth was disarming. Whereas Harper was a friend, Cassidy imagined Davis as having the potential to be more.
What is wrong with me? The man is trying to convict me of murder.
“Understood. Anything new with the case? Any new evidence to prove you didn’t do this?”
She frowned. “I would expect you to know that.”
He chuckled bitterly, confirming the pending animosity between the two men. “Davis isn’t the sharing type. It’s his case, and he makes sure we all know it’s his.”
“Oh . . .” Cassidy offered, not surprised. Davis was open with her, but she hadn’t missed how he seemed a bit closed off from his colleagues.
So why is he open with me?
Maybe he . . .
The man is just doing his job.
“You can’t be offended, Harper. If I recall, you’ve never been big on sharing either.”
“Maybe not, but I’m also not a dick to the people I work with. The guy could learn a few things about knowing his place.”
“His place?” Cassidy didn’t understand why she was offended, but she was. Harper kept going, oblivious to her concern with his choice of wording.
“Yeah, his place. He’s new. Only been here a year. He refuses to make nice with any of the other detectives and acts like he doesn’t need anyone.”
“Maybe he doesn’t,” she defended, puzzled at her need to stand up for Davis in the first place.
“Come on, Cass, that’s not how things work. You, more than anyone, know that everyone needs somebody in our line of work. You can’t survive on an island.”
“True.” She nodded. “But you said he’s new. Maybe he’ll find his rhythm with everyone.”
“Doubtful. Like I said, the guy’s a fucking dick most days. Speaking of,” he narrowed his eyes at her, “how’s it going with the case and all? He treating you right? Being respectful, because if he’s not . . .”
“He’s been great.” When Harper’s expression shifted to one of speculation, Cassidy added. “With the case, I mean. He’s doing his job.”
“Is he? As far as I can tell, there’s still no arrest and no major leads.”
“Didn’t you just say he’s being a dick and not letting anyone in on the case? How would you know the intimate details?” She smiled smugly, and Harper groaned his disapproval.
“Captain’s getting anxious. Even if he doesn’t talk, everyone else does. You’ve been the only suspect, and he’s wasting his time pointing the finger at you. There’s no way you killed your husband. We all know that, Cass. There’s no way.”
She nodded softly. “Good to know because I didn’t. I think Nathaniel knows that as well, but as you noted, there are no other leads, so—”
“Nathaniel? You two on a first-name basis, Cass? I’m sure the guy’s charming, but getting too comfortable with him might not be the best thing . . . considering the past.”
She didn’t hide the offense his insinuation presented. “The past?”
“People talk, Cass. It’s no secret about you and Trent. At least, not to those of us on the inside.”
“I’m not sure what that has to do with my current situation or why you brought it up.”
“Davis is a detective. You’re a suspect in a case he’s working. The lines can easily become blurred, and you don’t need a repeat of past events. Not with your career and all.”
“I see. Well, let me just be clear. Detective Davis and I both understand our positions. However, as I’ve stated, I didn’t kill my husband, so suspect or not, I haven’t done anything wrong. There is also no proof of any blurred lines. Not that it matters. And as for Detective Davis, you mentioned twice how much of a dick the guy is, so why would you be concerned that we would end up in a position to blur the lines? I’m not a fan of arrogance or assholes, Harper.” She made sure their eyes locked when she emphasized those two specific words.
“I didn’t mean anything by it.”