Page 46 of Innocent Intent
“Considering the nature of our relationship, that’s understandable, don’t you think?”
“I do, but that still doesn’t help me level the playing field regarding who you are.”
Davis flashed her a charming smile. One that Cassidy was growing accustomed to enjoying a little too much. “Then maybe we should remedy that in the near future, but for now, I’m going to head out. Don’t forget to send me the address.”
“I won’t.” She watched Davis leave, hating the pinch of disappointment for wanting him to stay.
A few days later, Davis stepped off the elevator at Police Palace, hoping to gain some clarity on another piece of Cassidy’s past that had been bothering him the more he got to know her. His thoughts had been running rampant at her suppressing some deeply embedded guilt, but he no longer believed that guilt was connected to her husband’s murder. He instead thought it had to do with a case from her past haunting Cassidy over the years. Davis needed to know why and what her husband had discovered that made him feel he could use that case as leverage.
With very little to go on concerning Williams’s murder and the only lead being a PO Box in New York, Davis found himself digging into the past of the woman he was intrigued with.
“Good morning. How can I help you?” The woman manning the desk just outside Chief Trent’s office smiled brightly as she admired Davis. He decided to use her obvious attraction to his advantage. He settled on the element of surprise since he hadn’t requested an appointment to see Trent. Instead, he acted on a whim, showing up to dig into the background of a man who likely wouldn’t appreciate landing on Davis’s radar.
“That smile just made my day.”
She shifted in her seat, leaning an elbow on the desk as she lowered her chin atop a closed fist. “Are you flirting with me, Mr. . . .?”
The question hung in the air. She wanted his name, and Davis complied.
“Detective Davis.”
“Well, Detective Davis, are you flirting with me?”
His smile was luminous. “Just offering a compliment, and if you consider that flirting, then I suppose I am.”
“I’ll take it. Now, I know you’re not here just to compliment my smile. What can I do for you?”
“I was wondering if I could have a minute with Chief Trent. Is he available?”
“Do you have an appointment?”
“No, actually, I don’t. Maybe you could help me out?”
“Ah, so it wasn’t about my smile.”
Davis chuckled. “Come on, now. You can’t possibly believe that I would lie about your beautiful smile.”
“Men have lied about much less to get what they want, but . . .” She paused, taking him in. “A compliment from a man as good-looking as you is worth accepting, no matter the reason. Chief has about ten minutes before his next meeting. He may not appreciate the intrusion, but if you’re willing to deal with his aversion to your pop-up, go on in by all means.”
“I think I can manage. Thank you.”
Davis headed to the door, knocking twice before he stepped inside. He was greeted by a pair of narrowed eyes that narrowed further once they took him in.
“Can I help you?”
“Hopefully, yes.”
“And you are?” Chief Trent leaned back and expanded his chest, asserting his dominance and irritation. Davis tapped the badge affixed to his hip and slipped his hands into the pockets of his slacks.
“Detective Davis. I was wondering if I could ask you a few questions.”
“Cassidy Evans. More specifically, the case that the two of you worked years back.”
He and Cassidy had only ever worked one case together. The one that landed him in this office. Davis watched Trent closely to see what his reaction would be.