Page 74 of Innocent Intent
“Are you thinking . . .”
“That money might be connected to the money from Williams’s account?”
She nodded, and Davis spoke once more. “Yeah, I am. Not sure how just yet. Got a couple of theories, considering the deposits from that Benjamin Clark account, but I’m not big on coincidences. Those deposits total twenty grand.”
“Yeah, but who is this Benjamin Clark? Do you know who he is?”
“No, haven’t done a deep dive on him yet. Figured I’d see if you could help me with that first.”
“I don’t know who he is. Name doesn’t sound familiar.”
“Well, we can check that out. One thing I learned is always to follow the money.”
Cassidy took a bite of pizza, chewed, and swallowed it down before Davis had her eyes again. “You said you had a few theories. Mind if I share mine first?”
Davis shook his head and lifted a slice. “Not at all. Please do . . .” He motioned for her to say what was on her mind, curious to know what she was thinking. Despite the blind spots Cassidy had with Niles and possibly Tia, she was still a brilliant woman and had years of investigating skills under her belt.
“If Tia was sleeping with Niles, it could have possibly been motivated by money.”
“You said he didn’t have access to a lot of cash. Based on what I’ve seen of his accounts, other than what he transferred from yours, he had more credit than accessible cash.”
Cassidy shook her head. “No, that’s not what I mean. Think outside the box. It’s possible she wasn’t sleeping with Niles for selfish reasons. What if she was sleeping with him for access? Access that she planned on giving to someone else. Someone who did have access to large amounts of cash. Someone willing to pay her for access to Niles.”
Davis smiled, watching Cassidy, who frowned at him. “What?”
“Great minds think alike. Maybe this Benjamin guy paid Tia to help with access to Niles. She might not be the killer, but she could very well be an accessory to the crime.”
“It’s what I was thinking. We need to figure out who Benjamin Clark is.”
“Yes, we do. But we can’t weed out that she got the money from Williams, either.”
“No, we can’t, but there’s no proof. You’ve already looked at his banking information.”
“The statements, yes. But when I went to the bank, I focused on the safe deposit box. I never requested copies of all his transactions like I did for Tia. Pending when his statements cycled, there might be some missed transactions that happened after the cutoff date, showing proof that connects him to Tia. There might be something connecting all three.”
“But we won’t find that out tonight,” Cassidy huffed. Much like himself, he assumed she was just as annoyed with all the lingering questions.
“No, not tonight. I can work on it first thing in the morning, though.”
“God, this is stressful.” She turned up her beer, finishing about three-quarters of it before the bottle landed hard on the table.
“I won’t pretend to understand—”
“Good, because you have no idea what this feels like,” Cassidy hissed; then seconds later, her eyes met his. “I’m sorry . . .”
“Don’t be. I’ve told you plenty of times you’re allowed to own your feelings. No matter what they are.”
“But that doesn’t mean I have to take those feelings out on you.”
Davis smiled arrogantly. “That depends on what those feelings are. I might not be opposed to you taking them out on me.”
He loved how she blushed because it let him know she knew exactly where his thoughts had gone. “Just an all-around good Samaritan, aren’t you, Detective Davis?”
“I’m selective about who I’m a good Samaritan for, Cass.” He winked, and she laughed lightly.
“Noted. So, was that all, the bank statement? It’s not much. In fact, it’s just as circumstantial as what you had on me.”
“I have one more thing.”