Page 91 of Innocent Intent
“I’m the senior detective. That’s my house. I built it.”
“That’s Jones’s house. He built that precinct. He’s your boss, and you’re not Davis’s. If you want respect, try giving it instead of expecting everyone that walks in there to fall at your feet and kiss your ass, Harper. You want it—earn it. I’m sure Nate will be more than willing to show you respect if you show the same in return.”
“Doubtful, and for the record, it’s not just me he doesn’t respect. Did you know he barged into Trent’s office asking questions about your old case? About your relationship with him?”
“Yes, I know.”
It was a lie, but she wouldn’t address that with Harper. She and Davis had discussed Trent. How he knew of their past was no longer relevant in her eyes.
“Right. I’m sure that came up during those cozy moments while you shared a bed with him.”
“I’m an adult, and so is he. What we do in our private time is no concern of yours or anyone else’s. The sooner you understand that the better off we’ll all be. We’ve been friends for a long time, Greg. I hope that means something to you. If not, fine, but our friendship—past or present—in no way gives you the right to be judgmental about my choices, understood?” She stepped closer to make her point, and Harper nodded.
“Got it.”
Before Cassidy could respond, Harper lifted his phone, rattling off a greeting. “Harper. Yeah, Captain. I’m with her now.” Cassidy kept her eyes on him while she listened. “No, all good here. Sure, I can do that. We’re on our way now.”
After he ended the call, Cassidy arched a brow, requesting details since she had been the topic of discussion.
“Suspect is secured. They want you down at the precinct.”
Her heart was racing.
“Who’s the suspect?”
“Not for me to say. Not my case, and you’re not my business. Let’s go. Captain or Davis can tell you if they want you to know.”
She knew further questioning Harper wouldn’t gain her more details than she already had. Instead, she gathered her purse, phone, and keys and locked up Davis’s house with the spare key he’d left before joining Harper in the car. At this point, Harper’s thoughts and opinions were no longer a priority. She had to think about what she would find once they reached the precinct.
“Captain?” Cassidy met him outside the interrogation room. She glanced at the one-way mirror and then stepped closer, not believing what she was witnessing on the other side.
Tia was cuffed and sitting at the table with Davis propped on the edge, one foot resting on the floor, both hands resting on his thighs. His back was to the mirror, but Tia faced it. Cassidy’s eyes lowered to Tia’s wrist, which was turned slightly upward, just enough for her to catch a glimpse of the birthmark there.
It’s really her.
“Is she the suspect? Is that why I’m here? She’s the one that murdered Niles?”
“Don’t have our smoking gun yet, but from what we just uncovered, I have a good feeling that’s our woman.”
Cassidy cringed. “What did you uncover?”
“That’s Arnold’s daughter, but I guess you already know that.”
She nodded. “Assumed but didn’t know for sure.”
“We do now.”
“The boyfriend mentioned that Tia’s father was in prison and that she visited him there.”
“The boyfriend?” Cassidy stated mindlessly, still trying to process what was happening.
“Benjamin Clark. Davis brought him in for questioning. We’ve still got him on a forty-eight-hour hold. Needed to make sure he didn’t tip her off.” He motioned to the interrogation room, and Cassidy’s eyes followed, only rounding back to him when he continued. “Davis pulled visitor logs for Arnold, and guess who was on there.”
Captain nodded. “Davis went to see him several hours ago, and Arnold had a lot to say about his daughter wanting revenge . . .” His eyes narrowed, landing hard on Cassidy. “With you. Not the prosecutors or Trent. She’s placing all the blame on you, Cass. I assume that means the rumors are true.”