Page 73 of You're the Reason
“That’s right. And this year they’re extending the events to go through Saturday. And I’ve arranged—and approved with your parents—for us to perform Saturday at ten o’clock for the whole town in the gazebo.”
They all lit up in smiles, and Susie raised her hand.
“Yes, Susie.”
“Are you going to do one of your fancy dances too on Saturday?”
“No, Saturday is about you guys.”
“Ms. Margret said we should ask you real nice. Then you might do it.”
All the girls broke into a round of pleases as each one clutched their hands to their chest.
“I’ll think about it.” She lifted the notes she’d printed off for the parents. “Make sure to give these to your parents. It has all the details for Saturday about where you need to be and when.”
All the girls lined up to take a flyer, then ran to their bags. They replaced their ballet shoes with street shoes and rushed to the mothers waiting on the sidewalk just outside the front door.
Grace walked over and picked up her water bottle and checked the time on her phone. There was a missed message.
We have run into a problem with Giselle. We will be readjusting the cast for Sunday’s performance. When can you get here?
You are reauditioning the part?
No, it is yours if you can do it to Madam Laurent standards.
She read the message once. Then again. What could have happened?
I have a commitment, but I can be there Sunday.
But Saturday was the day of the performance in the square with the girls. But could she really give up this opportunity? Pushing back could cost her everything, but she refused to let her girls down.
There was a long pause before the three dots finally appeared.
Sunday, 8AM. Don’t be late.
She typed-out “Sunday, 8AM. I’ll be there.” Her finger hovering over the send button as the knot in her stomach tightened. Her father’s voice echoed in her head, telling her that she was a fool to put it off a day. Ms. Margret’s voice in her head questioning if she wanted to go back at all. And then there was Seth. Amazing Seth, whose voice wasn’t in her head because he was just silent.
She drew a calming breath and read over the words again. She was committing to a weekend, not her whole future, and she owed it to herself and everyone else to hear them out. It was one day. She hit send and turned toward the front of the studio.
She screamed as she came face-to-face with Susie. Her hand flew to her chest as she released a small laugh. “What are you still doing here?”