Page 55 of Alarm Fatigue
“For what, my dear? You deserve everything.”
“More than anything, thank you for waking me up.”
Mark Levy looks right at me and smiles, reaches over to my phone and starts the song again. “You are welcome.”
Two years later…
Surveying our dining room table, as everyone is getting ready to leave, I can see it is a big mess, but I am too happy to care. Another wonderful occasion in our beautiful home, and I still cannot believe that this is my life now. I can hear Yonah shrieking in some part of the house, likely running away from his poor father again. The cats are probably hiding on top of our tallest dresser at this point.
Ariella gives me a big hug. “Happy birthday, Grandma.” The granddaughters all have their coats on, ready to head out. Meanwhile, I spot David trying to catch Yonah, who is toddling his way toward the back hallway.
“Thank you, my sweeties. Thank you for coming over to our house and bringing me so many goodies. I am going to have to run many miles to work these treats off.”
Gavi has a child’s coat in her hands and is trying to figure out how she has an extra one when her children all seem to be wearing theirs. David appears, breathless, from the back of the house with a coatless and squirming Yonah under his arm.
“Aha.” Gavi tosses the coat over her shoulder with no expectation of getting it on her son, who ate more than his share of cake. “Thanks for having us over, Eema, and happy birthday.”
“You are welcome, my dear.”
After they have all piled into the minivan, Mark and I wave them off from the front doorway.
Lila and Kim, having retrieved their coats from the mudroom, come out next with Amalie. “Happy birthday, Rachel.”
“Thanks, Ami, for everything.”
“Happy birthday, Eema. We are driving Amalie back with us.” Turning to Mark, Lila says, “You are sure you do not need us to help clean up?”
“No way, it is late already—I will take care of it. You all just get home before it becomes any colder out there.”
I hug each of them. “Thank you for offering, Lila, and thank you both so much for the incredible gift from your trip. I have always wanted an authentic Fair Isle sweater. Both of you—it was so sweet of you to remember that.”
“You are welcome,” Kim kisses me on the cheek and off they go.
Last but not least, Edan and Hannah emerge from the side room, looking a little rumpled. Mark snickers, and I elbow him in the ribs. “You are no better.” I mutter under my breath.
“Bye, Eema. Happy birthday.” She and Edan each give me a hug.
“Love you two.”
To which Mark adds, “Drive safe, Edan.”
“Yes, sir.” Edan dutifully shakes his hand.
After they leave, I frown at him, “Do you really have to intimidate him? He has done right by her for two years.”
“Maybe it is because I intimidate him.”
“Mark, be nice, and stop making that poor boy nervous.”
“Hannah was my first champion in this family, even before you, so she has my undying loyalty and protection.”
I scoff and swat at him with the dish towel in my hand. Looking around at the mess, I say, “Can we just clean up tomorrow? Can that be my present?”
“It is your birthday, my love,” Mark says, wrapping both of his arms around me and drawing me in. “We can play this however you want.”
I smile at him, toss the dish towel toward the dining room table, and slide my arms around his neck, “I love you, husband.”