Page 11 of Lycan Rejected
"What is mine is yours and yours is mine. With this blood, you will be accepted into this pack and become theirs, and in return they will become yours," her father recited.
"What is mine is yours, and yours is mine. I accept the bonds with this pack and become theirs as they are mine," Remy recounted.
The bitter taste of the magic burst inside her mouth as it ignited inside her soul. Remy sucked in a breath as the pain of the bonds being created inside of her spread throughout her body. Quickly, the magic attempted to settle inside of her, but another wave of pain went through her. This time, it was in her head.
The white light returned, and the scent of cedar and bergamot filled her nostrils. There was an image of Remy standing on a similar stage, and she felt bonds form, but not of those she was currently feeling. It was bonding with different people, and then there was the pain of the severed bond once her mate recited the words to reject her. The light disappeared, and Remy opened her eyes to see herself standing on the stage before the pack. There were some familiar faces, but the scent of her ex was no longer in the room. The sandy-blonde Alpha stood in the center with others she didn't recognize.
Is he here? Is my ex-mate next to Myles?
"ROGUES!" someone screamed, and the crowd started to move like the ocean.
People pushed others out of the way as they tried to get to the door. Remy jumped off the stage and waded through the crowd to get to the men she didn't recognize inside her pack. If one of them happened to be her ex, then she could confront him here and now with her pack around her. It would be the optimum time to find him if he were here.
Lykos yelled into the crowd, and people tried to escape Remy's way. Remy was shoved as many of the pack scrambled to escape the room to fight off the rogues or make their way to their homes to protect their children. Through bumping into people, Remy felt the magic of Lycans flow through her again, and bonds were forming inside her soul. Her system became overwhelmed, and she couldn't stay on her feet. Everyone ran ahead, somehow not bumping into her this time as she gasped for air. Magic coursed through her as she grabbed onto her chest. This did not feel like the others. Remy wondered if it was due to having the pack bonds form and then bumping into someone else while running toward the doors.
I’m too overstimulated. I can’t help the pack like this.
Chapter six
The idea of Remy jumping into the fold of getting the rogues out of the territory made her body tired. She was exhausted after having more than fifty different bonds created inside of her and it felt as though every synapse in her brain was fired from it all. She’d be no use to the pack during this fight. She didn’t even know if she could shift right now as her Lycan was radio silent inside her soul. Knowing that she would have to relearn what it meant to be inside the pack and understand each pack bond, it would be better for her to stay in her room and allow the bonds to settle. She did not want anyone to know about Chase until she understood what had happened to her that led her to the island first, and now she would have to figure out who the other two mates were as well. One certain thing was that she had to talk to her mother and father and ask who was present at her party from the other packs.
As she made her way up to her room, Remy thought about Chase again. The man was bold and adventurous in doing what he did in the middle of the party and challenging Remy like that. They could have been caught with him being an alpha and drawing on the pack magic. Something about it made her whole body tingle. Remy was known throughout her pack to bend or break the rules, and now her second chance mate pushed the boundaries and made their first interaction more thrilling. That was something that Remy always wanted in a mate–someone willing to push boundaries, not afraid to challenge anyone or anything–and even though she had given him stipulations tacked onto their bond, he was willing to follow them to show her he wanted her. She thought about the Alphas and Betas she had met over the years, and Chase never came to mind. It was always something that the children of Alphas had to do while growing up so they knew who all the important people inside the kingdom were. Nowhere in her memories was Chase in any of the packs back then. It could be that he was a third or a fourth ranking within the pack and then climbed the ranks either in death or challenges. Whenever they had another chance to talk, she would have to ask him how he became an alpha. Remy may have only been away for a year and a half, but that was not long enough to get this far out of the loop. Lycans lived a long time, so it is difficult for so many changes to happen in such a short period of time.
A blaring horn sounded through the building, telling Remy it was safe to walk around the territory. It felt weird to Remy that it had only taken roughly twenty to thirty minutes before the rogue issue was dealt with. Either only a few attacked at once, or they could not find them again in the territory. Their land was vast, but with how many wolves they had, and how quickly Lycans could run, search parties might have combed through the whole area. Remy waited for a different alarm to tell her if somebody was gravely injured. The pack bonds indicated no deaths, but that's as far as the magic would go. If someone were injured, the only people who would know would be the Alpha and Luna.
I guess this could have been just a warning.
Are rogues giving warnings now?
Remy's Lycan was right. Rogues did not usually fire warning shots. It worked better for them to ambush rather than develop a plan. There have been stories in the past of Rogues doing that, and each time, it led to the destruction of each Lycan who tried. Leaders of rogues must have paid attention to those stories and have not tried that tactic since before Remy was born.
After the day's excitement, Remy peeled off her party clothes and tossed herself in bed. Her eyelids grew heavy, and her muscles did not want to move after feeling the soft mattress underneath her. Within seconds of her head hitting the pillow, Remy was out like a light.
The sun shone behind Remy's eyelids through the window on the right side of her bed. A groan escaped her lips at the morning light after having had the kind of sleep that, the moment you close your eyes, it feels like only a blink before morning comes. Remy already knew she would have a laundry list of things she would have to do that day. Now that she was packed, she would be incorporated into the schedule of daily tasks that came with it. This was the boring side of things Alphas had to do, but now that she was back, she would be expected to do them. She threw the covers off her, stumbled out of bed, and went into her closet. Remy pulled out a fresh pair of black jean shorts and grabbed a black T-shirt to go with it. As she put them on, she prepared herself for her mother's long argument about her clothing choices, that she needed to add more color to her wardrobe.
She quickly ran into the main house, and her mother was in the kitchen. A pile of scrambled eggs and bacon was ready for her at the table.
"Thanks, Mom," Remy told her before sitting down and taking a big forkful of egg into her mouth. Her mother made the best eggs. They were always perfectly salted and peppered with a hint of hot sauce inside. Remy loved to get a bite full of egg and then a slice of bacon in her mouth simultaneously to give her a full taste of salty, savory, and spicy all in one bite.
"Your father wants to talk to you," her mother said without looking up from the sink where she was running water.
Remy's stomach sank at those words. Did her father know about Chase? Did he see something in that corner regardless of the pack hiding them? Or did the other mates know who she was and have already claimed her to be transferred to their packs? Remy swallowed the food in her mouth and took a second to gather her thoughts.
"Do you know what about?"
Tala was washing the dishes, so her back was turned to Remy. Her mother's green eyes peered over her shoulder before smirking, "Why? Did you do something you shouldn't have last night?"
"No," Remy told her mother, hoping that the scents of breakfast would cover the scent of her lie.
That was the tricky thing about Lycans. There was a scent for every emotion, especially lies. There were other ways that a wolf would be able to tell if somebody was lying, like if the heart rate of the pulse went up or if someone could not meet their eyes. But a lie always gave off the scent of perspiration, and Remy had to tell herself that she wasn't lying. Technically, what she had done, which she would have done since he was her mate anyway, wouldn’t have changed even if her parents did know about their mate bond. Mates usually touched each other in some way or looked at each other among other things. Lycans were huge on touch, and it helped calm the beast inside of them if their mate was touching them. So, what she did with Chase was in the scope of things mates would do with one another. It wasn't a lie.
It really wasn't.