Page 15 of Lycan Rejected
These Lycans must be rogues. Pack training teaches you all about that.
Then we have an advantage.
After they were a good distance in front of her, Remy jumped back onto the trail and chased after them. With her speed, it didn't take long, and she was on the back of a silver and blonde wolf, much smaller than the white and gray partner. Remy bit down on the back of the neck and shook her head rapidly until she heard a snap. The Lycan went down, throwing Remy forward and onto her side. Before she could get to her feet, the white and gray Lycan jumped on top of her. A swipe from its claws connected with her stomach, and Remy could bend just enough to grab its arm into her jaws. She bit down and heard its bone snap. It roared at her before it slammed its other paw onto her head. Remy's head bounced off the ground, and she saw stars. Her vision blurred, and Remy was expecting more blows while she was vulnerable, but she didn't feel the Lycan on top of her anymore, which she found weird. The Lycan must have thought it knocked her out because, when her vision cleared, she could see her opponent moving its arm around to reset the bone while it was trying to heal. It would need to be reset, meaning broken again, if they didn't do this before it healed.
Snooze, you lose, fucker!
Remy got to her feet and took off before the Lycan noticed that she had come and could escape. She was still in her wolf form, using her speed to her advantage. As she ran, Remy heard the two other Lycans join in behind her, telling her they were there for backup and realizing she was escaping. Remy could feel her father's chord reaching out to her for help inside the pack bonds. She pumped her legs harder to get to him faster and came out of the woods to find two of the five Lycans dead on the ground, two others trying to heal their broken legs to get back into the battle, and then her father in battle with the last one. Her father's coat was mostly black like hers, but it had hues of gray and some white on his stomach and paws. She could see the gray and white was matted with blood, an open wound on his side, and she could see the white of bones within the gash. His movements slowed, and he did his best to evade the attacks. The brown and black Lycan her father was facing did not seem in as bad of a shape and was lunging in to swipe at Lykos before jumping back.
The only option Remy could think of was to ram her body into the Lycan to save her father. She quickly did so, and the Lycan went down to the ground. Remy heard the Lycan’s skull crack against the asphalt, and its movements slowed as it was dazed from the collision. While turning toward her father, Remy could hear the howls from the Lycans she had left in the woods. Remy would need to get her father into the car and drive back home if she wanted them to survive this. With one look, Remy knew there wasn't a chance Lykos could get to the car by himself. Remy would have to use the more hand-like paws to grab onto her father and heave him toward the car. She was thankful he was fighting close to the car, making it a little easier. Remy opened the door to the back seat of the four-door car, picked up her father, got him into the seat, shut the door, shifted into her human form with tattered clothes hanging off her from all the changing, and started the car. In the tree line, the three Lycans came up over the hill and stopped to assess what was happening. Remy threw the shifter into gear and turned the wheel as far left as she could to steer the car into turning around. The Lycans were on the road by the time she turned the car fully around. Remy pressed on the gas, heard the tires squealing against the pavement, and then it kicked in just before the Lycans could throw their body into the car. Thankfully, the Lycans were not faster than a car, so Remy managed to put enough distance between the car and the attackers and began to relax.
What the fuck?
Chapter eight
The blistering sun beat down on Chase, making the sweat roll down his skin and dampen his clothes. Being on top of a mountain wasn't exactly the best when it came to the heat in their kingdom. It meant they were close to the sun, and the heat was brutal. However, the altitude was good for training. It gave them all a chance to work in harder conditions. The air was thinner up here–not by much, but enough. It gave them an edge, which was the perfect way to reshape this pack.
Under the other Alpha, he only wanted the males to be trained to fight. Chase thought that was stupid. The females could learn how to fight, and most of the time, they just watched from afar and applied it with their mates at home. Chase was one of them who occasionally checked in to ensure the males taught the women some form of hand-to-hand. If an enemy came knocking, they wouldn't stop just because it was a woman—Lycans who had lost control of themselves only see enemies, not genders.
I'll be damned if I will allow an enemy to have an advantage over us. These assholes already think they can just take over any pack they want. I won't stand for that.
Chase had the entire pack, with the exception of the two pups that were currently running circles around them, all standing in the biggest area they could find by the packhouse. There was an open plot of land with no trees in sight in the back. It was just big enough to hold them all, and the trees weren't thick to where they would lose sight of the children. Chase called out to them and told them they needed to stay close. Even though they didn't have access to their Lycans yet, the souls of the animal were still buried deep inside of them, asleep until they were ready to make their entrance, they would still feel the command their Alpha gave them and listen. He was thankful for that because the children were rebellious and tried to go against everything their parents told them. Now wasn't the time. He needed his pack to be in fighting shape.
This was a simple training with Chase running through stances and the various types of punches they could throw. He made them demonstrate after him, then showed them some combinations they could put together. He knew they were only useful in their human forms, but sometimes, there was no time to shift into their Lycan. Depending on their dominance level, it could take them a long time to shift. Knowing how to fight in their human forms was definitely at the top of his list for now.
As they all went through their punches and combinations, Chase made his way through the crowd and adjusted them accordingly. Some needed little help, and they tended to be the males higher up in the hierarchy. There was something about dominant males that made it easy for them to just fall into learning to fight as if it were second nature. Chase remembered when he was going through his own training, and it all came naturally to him. He quickly rose through the ranks from his fighting alone. He did his best to come off as easy-going so he wouldn't have to deal with fighting over his rank; it was something his mother and father taught him a lot. They would let him be exactly who he was and encouraged him to find loopholes so as not to draw attention to himself. It worked until he was in the top three Lycans of the pack. He couldn't hide it anymore.
Especially having a dickhead for an Alpha.
One of the males, who was young and just starting to find where he was dominance-wise, threw a punch, and Chase felt the wind from it close to his face. Chase stopped walking and stared at the pup. He noticed the brunette with light brown eyes was shaking as Chase stared at him. A growl rose in his throat, but he stopped it before the pup could hear it. The growl wasn't for the pup anyway. It was for the asshole Alpha before him that caused the pup to fear Chase just because Chase had looked at him.
"John, it's alright. Looks like that swing wasn't how you wanted to go. Let's work on your focus and trajectory for a second." Chase put his hand on the kid's shoulder and pushed a sense of calm through the pack bonds into him. When the kid relaxed under his Alpha's touch, Chase gave him a nod and began to do some one-on-one with him while the rest continued to work on their forms and swings. Once Chase was more confident in John's swing, he moved through the crowd again. A few more people needed some work, and Chase tended to them just like he had done with John.
He had noticed that some of the females tried to push themselves closer to him when he was helping them adjust to the stance. He would have to adjust how he was standing to avoid unwanted contact, and he could hear them grumble when he did. There were even moments when he noticed they would reach out and touch him. He could hear their Lycans rumble as they felt him up.
It wasn't that Chase wasn't used to attention from the opposite sex. He knew he was a good-looking man, and his attitude gave off the vibe that most women tended to be interested in. Before Remy, he played the field but never allowed himself to be attached. Lycans were given fated mates for a reason; the only person capable of reigning him in would be his fated mate. Now that he’d met her, he found this kind of attention to be annoying from anyone but her.
I heard the mate bond could be intense, but I didn't imagine it would be like this.
The very thought of Remy made his heart ache as he was reminded she was not here. He wanted her by his side to touch, kiss, and love. His Lycan howled inside him as the image of her beautiful face came to mind. The way she looked at him as she commanded him to listen to her. The fire in her eyes as she took control of the situation and made it into what she wanted. His spitfire of a mate was exactly what he needed to tame the wildness that was him. He felt himself grow hard in his pants at his thoughts of her.
Now is not the time for this. Need to change my topic.
His clothes clung to him from the sweat. The pack was all doubled over and breathing heavily from the workout. Chase wanted to move on to adding kicks, but the pack groaned at the mention of it and screamed no. Chase chuckled and called out that they were dismissed.
A blonde walked up to him and rapidly poked his shoulder. He had heard the footsteps come up from behind him and only turned when she touched him. Lately, he noticed that if he moved too fast, some of the pack would cower and bear their necks at him. Even though he had been a part of the pack while the Alpha terrorized them, being in the top three, Chase did not see half the things they went through.
It was one of the females he had to take extra time with today. There were moments when she turned red when he showed her how to correct her stance by touching her. He didn't think she did too badly after some one-on-one and wasn't sure why she was trying to get his attention now. She was petite and only came up to his shoulder. Her hair had a brown undertone, and her eyes were deep blue. She was wearing a sports bra and shorts. Chase noticed she was playing with her hair and not quite meeting his eyes. He wasn't sure if this was flirting or if she really had no dominance in her, even to try to glance at his face.
"Alpha Chase, I really appreciate you taking the time to train us girls."
"That's not a problem. The kingdom is a scary place right now, and I want you all to know how to defend yourself."
She giggled, and Chase wasn't sure why. If he remembered correctly, she had just turned eighteen. Becca was her name, and he watched her grow up. He knew how more mature women came on to him, but this was new. It felt odd, and he wanted to laugh at her attempt but knew it wouldn’t be a great idea.
"You're totally an awesome Alpha," she told him as she ran her finger down the length of his arm. I never would have thought I could throw a punch. Now I feel I can take someone on with no problem."