Page 38 of Lycan Rejected
"Welcome. Need any help with the meeting?"
Myles thought about it. The meeting should be quick and painless. Most of the males in the pack came to the meetings and allowed the females to tend to the children. If they didn't know what was needed for their family, he could tell them to go home and ask so the order would get put together swiftly. Asher didn't help with that.
"No. Just tell everyone to get a list of supplies we could use and have those lists to us by tomorrow morning."
"Sounds good." Asher stood from the chair and glanced his way. "What are you going to do now?"
"I'm going to track down my mate and figure out how to get her back."
Chapter seventeen
The surprise from her father that she was rejected was more endearing than Remy thought it would be. He wanted to turn around and pummel Myles for rejecting her, but Remy wouldn't allow it. Bryan had taken over the wheel for this drive, and she was thankful for it. Lykos had tried to open the door to jump out so he could charge back to give Myles a "piece of his mind."
"It's not worth it, dad. If anything, he needs to sulk about what he just lost."
That was something she needed to tell herself over and over. Hearing the words "I reject you" once again pierced her heart as the memory of the mate before had done to her. The scent of cedar was under her nose, and Remy had to banish the thoughts away as the spots above her eyebrows felt like a knife stabbing them. She didn't need to have a blinding headache right now.
Bryan smiled at her in the rearview mirror. "That is a good way to look at it."
Remy smiled at him, and he gave her a wink.
"No, it is not! He just rejected my daughter! You are like an uncle to that girl. How are you not angry about this?"
Bryan shrugged. "Looks like Remy took care of it. I think she bruised his ego with the things she threw at him. Something else that Alpha needed."
Lykos growled. "I should go back and tell him there is no alliance. See how he feels about that."
Remy pushed his seat with her foot, knowing he would feel it in his back. "There is no reason to cause a war with him over me. He will live to regret this decision. I personally can't wait to see him grovel at my feet someday."
Lykos turned around to look at her. "Does he know you are a Meta?"
"No. He didn't deserve to know. I will not willingly tell people who don't deserve to know the power that I hold."
"It'll come out soon enough about your power, you know," Bryan told her, "especially with all these attacks happening. Someone will see you shift, and it will spread like wildfire."
"Let it. Then maybe these dumbass packs will understand not to fuck with our pack."
The men laughed. Lykos encouraged Remy's mouth more than her mother did. He wanted people to know that not only did she have a bark, but she could also bite. It was exactly how he acted more often than not. Lykos couldn't show this side of him in front of the other Alphas often. Politics killed his ability to be a foul mouth without consequences.
There was a town halfway through the valley that held the stores, places of work, and even gas stations. Bryan stopped to fill the tank, and Lykos signaled Remy to come inside. He told her to grab anything she wanted, chocolate included, and to meet him upfront. He did this after her childhood best friend moved to another pack. It was his way to help mend her broken heart. She tried telling him she was fine, but he didn't want to hear it.
"Chocolate helps mend the broken bond. Don't ask me why. I don't know. I just know that it does."
With that, Lykos walked through the small store to grab the snacks he wanted. Remy did the same. She grabbed several bags of chips, and a few drinks to throw in the cooler. Then, she stopped in the candy section. There were so many choices to choose from. Half of it was chocolate, and the other half was fruit flavors. As she looked at the selection of chocolate, she remembered craving chocolate on the island. There was some shipped there from the Dragon Kingdom that made her taste buds explode, and she growled at not seeing those chocolates before her. Of course they wouldn’t be. This wasn't the Dragon Kingdom or the island where they received shipments from every kingdom to please each species. If she wanted that chocolate, she must send another letter to Kaida. She should have added it to the one she sent, with a leather jacket for Kaida's ceremony, before leaving on this journey, but she didn't think of it then.
Instead, she grabbed a few that were peanut butter filled and something with caramel and nougat. She couldn’t remember eating something like this before, so now she considered the time. She walked up to the counter, and her father was already standing there. Remy placed her arm full of items onto the counter, and she could feel her father's stare at her.
"I didn't need chocolate. I needed junk. I only grabbed chocolate to please you."
Lykos laughed. "Sure. Whatever you say."
When they got back to the car, Bryan was already in the driver's seat waiting for them. He noticed the number of bags in their hands and laughed.
"Shut up," Remy told him.
"And you are telling me you are not pining after the man who rejected you?"