Page 43 of Lycan Rejected
Chapter nineteen
Sleep escaped Remy the entire night. With a dark circle under her father's eyes, it was clear that sleep did not come to him either. At some point, Bryan entered the room in his Lycan form and slept at the bottom of the bed. Through the pack bonds, he was too tense about the previous situations at the other packs to sleep and wanted to protect her and Lykos.
He's a really good second to have. Bryan was loyal to her family and would lay down his life for them. This was proof of that. There were times when Remy thought Bryan would petition to have his own pack, but it never happened. He was too happy in their pack to move on. He and his mate loved her family too much to want to be away from them. All of them considered each other siblings to one another.
They were going to need a lot of food to increase their energy so they would be able to shift if needed. Thankfully, hospitality laws dictated that they receive as much food as needed.
There was a broad range of breakfast items waiting for them downstairs. Piles of pancakes, waffles, scrambled eggs, bacon, and sausage were laid out on a table with various flavors of syrups and juices. The three of them did not hesitate to pile all the food their eyes beheld onto a plate before sitting down. Remy had several waffles piled on top of one another, and she found a strawberry syrup to pour on top of them. She did the civilized thing of cutting pieces of the waffles to bring them to her mouth instead of just eating them off the plate with no utensils. The waffle had a hint of vanilla that complimented the strawberry syrup. It was sweet on sweet, but Remy had no complaints. When she experienced the savory taste of the sausage and the waffles, it created the perfect combination of sweet and savory. She washed her food down with the tartness of orange juice and did everything in her power not to moan with pleasure. The food was absolutely delicious, and she had eaten three platefuls of waffles and sausage before her Lycan told her she was in good shape. Usually, she would need mounds of bloody meat to bring her well to total capacity, but carbs could do the job, too.
Levi wasn't in sight. The pack's Lycans were in and out of the room. Many looked their way, but no words were spoken. When she was done, Remy took her plate to the sink. Due to the open floor plan the home seemed to have, it was next to the eating area. She noticed the submissives who normally worked the kitchen lift an eyebrow when she did.
I guess this pack doesn't know manners.
Says a lot about their Alpha.
A woman walked over to Lykos and bared her neck at him, avoiding meeting his eyes. The action of the woman let them know she was one of the submissives and wanted to show respect for the Alpha in the room. The woman looked frail, as if she didn't eat often, but her deep brown hair looked clean. Her brown eyes stayed glued to the floor as if lifting her eyes would result in being punished. She stated Levi was waiting for them in his office. Lykos thanked her, gulped down the last of his orange juice, and then looked at her and Bryan.
"Let's do this."
The submissive led the way to the office. Remy caught whiffs of fear and sex from her and looked over at Bryan, who was walking next to her and behind Lykos. He had the same look on his face as she did. This submissive was having sex with Levi, and yet he was doing something to her that made her fearful of him. Remy wanted to grab her arm and demand that she tell her what was happening. As an Alpha, she needed to care for those less powerful than her. It was ingrained in her to do so. However, it would break Hospitality Laws to follow through with that action. It made Remy's skin crawl, knowing that something was not right within this pack, and she had no power here to do anything about it. They were outnumbered. Now was not the time to force a Lycan to tell them their backstory and why they reeked of fear.
Levi's office was massive. It looked as if he had converted a space that should have been a living room into this office space. The room was decorated in darker tones than the rest of the house. It was bare on the walls but still somehow felt welcoming. The Alpha’s desk was in the back of the room with two chairs in front. There was also a cream-colored couch with dark green pillows for extra seating.
The Alpha sat behind the desk with the same menacing scowl he wore when they showed up. Remy felt his power fill the room as his eyes locked on hers. She almost allowed herself to laugh in his face, feeling it crawl against her skin. It did not compare to hers or her father's, so they could walk into the room with little effort. Bryan stayed by the door, and it was a power tactic to show Levi they would not be blindsided as they had been previously. Lykos mentioned that morning how he bumped into Levi when going to the bathroom in the middle of the night, and he mentioned hearing about them being attacked. Remy told her father how the one Lycan that got away smelled of cedar. She didn't have to say much else because Levi smelled of cedar, too. All packs shared a similar scent, and cedar was everywhere in this territory. Due to that information, it looked like Lykos was going on the offensive by showing they didn't trust him.
When Remy and Lykos sat down, Levi crossed his arms over his chest. The severed bond couldn't tell her a damn thing, but the expression on his face told her everything. Levi wasn't happy that his scary tactics were doing nothing. Remy smirked. It brought her some joy, knowing it bothered him that he was not more powerful than her. It did not help his case that they killed several of his Lycans, depleting his power and making this attempt more laughable. That was the real reason he knew about them being attacked. The pack bonds would have told Levi when life left his Lycan's bodies.
His gaze was on Lykos. "I believe you are here to discuss some sort of alliance." His rough voice wasn't pleasant to her ears. It wasn't how he sounded when they first met, and Remy wondered what had happened since then to cause that.
But I don't care enough to ask or want to give away that I remember him.
"That’s the plan."
Levi looked at Remy. The disdain in his eyes had her wanting to lift her lip in disgust, but she somehow managed to keep her face straight. She needed to keep herself together so he didn't know she knew who he was to her. He made her forget for a reason.
"I heard you were on the island of rejects."
Because you put me there.
"Yep, I was."
"Where is your mate? Shouldn't you be with him instead of here playing as if you are second in command instead of that Lycan behind you?"
Sitting in front of me, trying to bait me into spilling the secret you don't even want to be revealed.
"Don't know. My friend, the new Dragon Queen, destroyed the barrier and set us all free."
Some of his facial muscles ticked but didn't stay long enough for her to know what emotion was currently running through him. A flash of anger showed in his eyes, which made Remy happy.
"That's not possible."
Lykos laughed. "I said the same thing, but clearly it is. But discussing how my daughter is home is not why we are here."
Remy watched Levi force himself to look away from her and at Lykos. He was trying to figure out if she had broken the magic that held her memories as the magic had broken in the barrier. He was probably thinking Kaida was the one who broke the confines of the magic that kept her memories prisoner. Maybe the person who put the spell on her did not tell him that he should never touch or see her again to keep the spell in place. Magic can be very specific like that. She remembered Adrien getting ticked off due to the spells she needed not responding because she didn't have the exact ingredient in her cauldron while making her famous potions. There were times when the things she needed didn't come in with the shipment to the island, and it wasn't something she could grow.
"I agree. Let's get to the real reason why you are here. I assume you want an alliance to save your ass from the attacks. A real Alpha would face the issue head-on and rid it themselves."