Page 45 of Lycan Rejected

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Page 45 of Lycan Rejected

Once she was through the door, she saw at least five Lycans approaching in their Lycan forms and three others still in human form. There was a staircase behind them, and Remy had an idea. She leapt into the air and hit the first Lycan square in his chest, sending the rest of them backward. Like bowling pins, they all fell backward down to the bottom floor. In the pack bonds, the pull lessened, giving Remy a hint that her father had fully shifted. Bryan joined her at the top of the stairs as Remy heard crashing noises of breaking furniture.

Lykos was fighting Levi.

Remy couldn't fixate on that as the Lycans at the bottom of the stairs were getting to their feet. At any moment, they would be climbing the stairs again, and Remy wasn't sure of a different route out of the home. This would be their only path to returning to their car without knowing the home's layout. Remy tilted her head to look up at Bryan. His Lycan glanced at her briefly before returning his gaze down toward the enemy, who was slowly climbing back to them. They were outmatched, but they were not outgunned. Remy slowly walked herself back, tipping at Bryan to do the same. If they wanted a fight, that was what they would get. They would need to fight them in this hallway to clear a path down the stairs. Bryan followed her without question.

When the first two enemy Lycans cleared the top of the stairs, they charged toward Remy and Bryan. Remy hunched down and waited for the opportunity to strike. The Lycan that was rounding on her was a mixture of blacks and grays, and she noticed his eyes were black, too. It was similar to what she saw on the island, and her heart fell in her stomach when she realized what her eyes were seeing.

They are influenced by the Dark Dimension.

The Lycan swiped at her with its claws, and Remy rolled out of the way. The swipes kept coming, the Lycan knowing the hallway ended with a wall and no way out. Remy jumped back and dodged each swipe with only millimeters between its sharp claws and her face. She felt her rump hit the wall behind her, and Remy ran out of time. She managed to roll just in time before the claws scraped against her neck. The Lycan overestimated its movement and rolled into the wall. Remy jumped at its arm and bit down until she felt blood pour into her mouth, tasting like metal. With this hold, she could move her head back and forth to rip open the holes she had caused with her teeth a little more. The Lycan threw its other hand-like paw down on her head, and Remy let go. She shook off the pain that seared through the top of her head. Remy could put herself behind the Lycan and jump on his back with another leap. The tips of her claws sunk into flesh, and Remy bit down on the back of its neck. There was a lot of fur between her mouth and its skin, and she couldn't grab hold of it. The Lycan swerved its body around and thrusted her back into the wall. She was dazed once again, and the Lycan reached around, grabbed hold of her as she slid down the wall, and threw her. She yipped as her body collided with what felt like metal. Remy glanced up and noticed the door was metal.

Who has metal doors?

Remy jumped and moved away before the Lycan jumped at her with its mouth agape, resulting in the Lycan hitting his head on the metal door, giving her the needed opening. Remy leaped on the Lycan's back once more, having more of an opening as its neck was exposed from being dazed on the floor, and she bit down above the jugular vein. With a quick toss of her head, the skin ripped open, and the metallic taste of blood filled her mouth again. There was another foul taste within the blood that Remy could not put her finger on. It was bitter and vile and added to the metallic taste of normal blood. Remy peered down at the wound and noticed the blood was a shade of red that was almost black. Remy was horrified, knowing that the Dark Dimension was deeply rooted in the Lycan’s DNA. But she also knew this needed to end. Lycans healed fast, and this one's Alpha was present. While it howled in pain, Remy managed to get to the other side to do the same to speed up the damage. Before she could bite down, she was hit from the side by something that felt like a tank and threw her into the back wall.

What the hell just happened?

She lifted her head to find the next opponent running at her. This one was a lighter shade of gray with a little brown mixed in. Its eyes were also black from the Dark Dimension. If the whole pack was infected, this battle would be more gruesome than Remy wanted. The idea was to align the packs, not kill them to make them smaller. That was not going to help the balance of power within the packs. They would continue to see her family as the strongest and want to take them down.

The light gray Lycan charged at her like the first one. Remy dodged the lunge and danced with this one like she did the last. She noticed that this one fought a lot longer than the last one. There were swipes from claws left and right that she needed to dodge. This one at least would lunge at her from time to time, but it was still mostly just a swipe of the claws at her face and neck. Remy couldn't help but feel bad for his pack for not knowing other maneuvers when fighting. From a young age, she was trained to go to more vital places and find different ways to overcome her opponent quickly. With this one being a hair faster than the last one, Remy noticed it was a little more complicated, but still, she could roll away from each blow. With her on four paws instead of two, she had more leverage. A Lycan's arm length gave them a bubble around them to provide enough room to keep enemies from their exposed bellies. Remy being on four paws gave her the advantage of getting under the arms and toward that soft spot faster. Remy pulled on her power to give her an extra boost in speed and jumped onto the Lycan after she avoided its claws. Her head hit the Lycan in its stomach and sent it on its back. Once there, Remy began to use her claws to rip open the soft stomach, but she didn't stop there. Her paws were covered in blood, and she could see that its organs were exposed. The Lycan attempted to claw at her, but she snapped her jaws onto its paws each time to avoid the attack as her paws did their work.

Another pack member ran down the hall at her, but this one was in human form. Remy jumped off the opponent under her and ran toward him. He had a shaved head like Levi but didn't have a dark shadow of the hair he shaved off. His blue eyes glared at her, and he lifted up a katana as he continued his charge. Remy didn't slow down and jumped at the hand that held the sword. She bit down and shook her head violently. The man punched at her jaw to make her let go as he pulled upward with his other arm to get her off her four feet. Her back paws were still on the ground. Remy lifted them and kicked outward toward the human's stomach. Her claws found flesh, and she dug in. She heard the man grunt, and then he pulled away. That was the worst thing he could have done as he allowed her claw to rip open his flesh more than she intended. His screams filled the hallway, and Remy let go of his arm to attack elsewhere. The thought of jumping over him like she did the other filled her head. There was black blood oozing out of this guy as well. He was trying to keep his innards in his stomach to start healing, but Remy didn't give him the time. She jumped on his chest, sending him to the ground on his back, and put her mouth over his neck. It was easier to rip through his neck with the absence of fur. Remy didn't waste time waiting for the next one to come to her. Instead, she charged toward Bryan to give him help.

But he didn't need much.

Lykos and Bryan were fighting alongside each other as if they were two halves of one soldier. With the bodies around them, black blood pooling from vital places, Remy knew this pack was already down about eight people. Lycans were jumping at them, but they struck them and sent them flying in other directions. Remy peeked inside the office. Levi was out cold on the floor in the middle of changing, with his own blood pooling on the floor. Lykos must have knocked him out and just moved on. This was the man who rejected her and left her for dead. If it weren't for her extraordinary friends, she would have died. This was her chance to end the one thing stopping her from moving on with her life.

And she needed to take it.

Remy started to make her way into the room to finish the job if Lykos hadn't, but Lykos's paw grabbed the back of her neck. She growled at him for ruining her chance for revenge but then noticed the number of people on the stairs. Some were Lycans, others were not. They needed a way out before it became too much to handle. The option of killing this whole pack ran through her head. It was a sound option but not something she really wanted. The Old Ways would have caused her to do such a thing, but that was not how she did things. The Old Ways needed to stay in the past.

Remy knew what her father was doing. He stopped her so she could figure out an escape route. The choices were either through the pack's hoard or through a window. Neither was great, but those were the only ones she could think of.

I need to find the right window.

Through Levi's office, there was one window on the back wall. She ran to it, shifting back into her human form, and looked down. It was a four-story drop, and there didn't seem to be another window on this side of the house that had anything better. The other side of the house was out of the question. The doors were locked, and they weren't able to get in. The entire pack was climbing the stairs to get to them.

Well, there is no way out but down.

Remy did the best and loudest yip she could muster to call her father and Bryan into the room. Her father ran to her and pulled on his power. She felt the Magic of an alpha swell before he launched it forward to knock the approaching opponent down the stairs. Many fell back, causing the others to fall as well. Lykos and Bryan hopped into the office and closed the door behind them. She heard the click of the lock but knew better than to believe that it would contain anybody on the other side. With the enhanced strength that came with being a Lycan, they needed to get a move on.

Lykos ran toward the window, hopping on the desk and using it as leverage to leap through it, shattering the glass and falling down the four stories below. Brian followed him with no hesitation. Remy started to run toward the window as she heard the door behind her break into splinters. She felt a hand grab onto her tail and yank it backward before she could break out into a proper sprint. A twist of her body and a snap of her jaws around the person's wrist was enough pressure to make the bone break, and they let go. Inside the doorway were many others standing in the hallway, trying to force their way into the room. One broke through and tried to grab her legs to keep her in place. Remy jumped out of the way in time but lost enough space to get to the right speed. She needed that speed to clear the window and not end up on the stone porch below. They needed to reach the parking lot in front of the house so as not to break any bones or shatter their body. More of the pack spilled into the room, and Remy had no choice. Using all the power she had, Remy sent it into her speed and ran toward the window. Like Lykos and Bryan, she used the desk as leverage to get through the window. Her paws were on it, pushing off to leap, and before she could make it outside, bodies collided with the desk and messed up her trajectory.

She almost missed the window.

The trajectory caused her to smack her legs on the window ledge and spin her through the air. Remy noticed the stone porch, the side of the house, and then she was looking at the sky. She wasn't sure how to straighten herself out while this was happening. Her breathing came rapidly, and she lost track of where she was as she fell from the sky. The beast inside of her roared, and Remy felt the magic inside of her flare. She felt the shift happening before she knew it was happening. Next thing she knew, Remy was feeling the cool air against her skin, and she was in her human form. A pair of furry arms wrapped around her, and the feeling of warmth and safety surrounded her. The black and white-gray fur and pair of blue eyes on the Lycan told Remy she was in her father's arms. He landed on the balls of his feet before he broke out into a run to the car.

Her father jumped to right her flight pattern and saved her.

Lykos threw her into the driver's seat and hopped back. Remy was yet again the only one in human form who could drive any time soon. A peer up to the porch told her everything she needed to know. Pack members were already spilling out the door and heading to their car. The keys were already in the ignition, and she could turn it on. The engine sparked to life, and she threw the car in reverse. As the car spun around, her foot pushing the gas pedal to the floor, she heard a few thumps, but that didn't stop her. With a quick switch to drive, Remy heard the tires spin through the gravel, and then the car launched forward.

A pull on the pack bonds again told her that her father and Bryan were trying to shift back. Remy remained silent as she moved the car in the direction it needed to get them away from this territory.

Knowing that they left at least eight of Levi's men bleeding out on the floor made Remy breathe a little easier. He was now down eight of thirty people added to his power. With there already being a significant deficit between the number of people in his pack, and them not having much power to begin with, Levi losing eight people would cause him to lose the power that gave him any edge. When she thought about the attack before and those people smelling like cedar, which tied them to this pack, Remy realized that Levi also lost more power there. He would have been closer to fifteen if he had been thirty before. None of the wolves felt particularly powerful either. Any edge he had in power was now gone. Did that mean that he was not a threat? Absolutely not. With all of the packs reverting to the Old Ways, there was a chance they would band together to give someone the alpha edge they needed.

Unless there are two alphas in the same room and neither knows how much dominance the other has, Levi could be behind in his plans. He would need to find another pack to band with him right now. If that pack already has an alpha, they must fight it out to establish who has more dominance or power and could lead the pack.

Let's hope it is with someone who has more than him and wipes him off this chessboard of a mess we are currently dealing with.

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