Page 59 of Lycan Rejected
Her father spoke the truth, and Remy couldn't really argue with his train of thought. They didn't know how many people were infected with the dark dimension. Why would she make a point of stepping in for her brother and no one else?
" I don't know why she wanted to help us," Remy muttered as something dawned on her.
Tala was confused about why Remy was given multiple mates even though there were other Meta Wolves before her time. What if this was a way to overcome the dimension? When the other Meta Wolves roamed their kingdom, there was never a dark dimension that infected their people and caused a war to brew. This could explain that away. Remy was given extra power and extra mates to bring her even more power. What if this was another way to add to that power? Kaida was given a powerful dragon; the only magic they knew could destroy the openings to this dimension. Her friends all seemed to have their own unique power. What if the moon goddess chose Remy to be the person inside the realm who could dissipate the dimension from the bonds?
"Maybe I am the key to making this all go away." Her voice was more confident than she actually felt, but she needed to tell her parents this theory. It was the best working theory they would have for something like this. The only explanation for that kind of power spilling into her and curing her brother would be the Moon Goddess.
Remy explained her theory to her parents. They kept quiet the whole time and didn't move from where they were. The stink of their fear was still inside the area, which made her Lycan pace inside her mind. It was never a good thing to stink of fear around a Lycan, especially one as on edge as hers from the recent battle and then the confusing aftermath of her helping her brother. Her parents listened intently, their eyes opening wide at what she was telling them. There was truth to her words and a sound reason for her theory.
Lykos opened his mouth once and then shut it. He looked down at the floor, still not wanting to risk gazing into her eyes it seemed. When he finally lifted his head, he looked at her and nodded. "It is the best working theory we have. Maybe this is why you have multiple mates. You will carry more power than any other Lycan in this kingdom. Even more than Fenry. If that is the case, you are going to need more protection. Multiple mates would provide that. However, that also means you would need to bond with them."
Remy groaned at that. Much to her dismay, her father had a point. She would need to bond with her mate to gain more power and protection. If she were the possible solution to the kingdom, she needed all the help she could get.
But that also meant trusting the mates she was given. Chase was a no-brainer. He was devoted to her, wanted her to be his mate, and even cared for her. The biggest clue was how he showed up to her territory to check on her. She was surprised to know he only pushed his and his pack's power to her through this stressful time instead of being outside the territory to ensure she was safe. After the last time he felt her in distress, she thought he would do it again. However, she would be more surprised if he didn't know what she had just experienced.
Then there was Myles. He rejected her. Should she go to him and try to cleanse his pack of possible infections to show him that he needed her to complete the bond? Remy growled at that thought. No. His dumbass can suffer. He will need to beg for my forgiveness.
Remy got to her feet and went up the stairs without saying anything. Lykos mentioned putting Kodi into the available cell to keep him monitored until they knew the dimension was surely out of his system. Remy didn't want to talk about it anymore; she just wanted to take a hot shower, put on some clothes, and crawl into bed. Whatever the moon goddess did to her certainly wiped out every speck of energy she had. If she wanted to be able to go down any path to help rid them of a possible connection to the dark dimension, then she needed a good night's rest and her stomach full of food.
When she reached the top of the stairs, Bryan was still standing guard in front of the door. He looked at her briefly before noticing she was not wearing any clothes. He looked away and then asked what had happened. She told him that Kodi had lost control of his Lycan, and they needed to rein him back in. It took a lot of power from the pack to do so because the dark dimension infected him so strongly. That must have done the trick because she could not tell that any of the dimension was left inside the pack bonds. After her explanation, she promptly proceeded to her bedroom.
Lykos did not mention if he wanted the pack to know what Remy could do now. Until she was given direction on who was allowed to know about her newfound power, Remy was going to keep this under lock and key.
Remy washed herself off after stepping in the shower and deep-cleaned her hair. There was blood on her body as well in her hair, and she was tired of smelling the sickly scent of the dimension on her in Kodi's blood. She sat in the shower and let the hot water run over her body. Even though it was an incredible feeling to believe that the moon goddess had chosen her to help with this dimension, it would be a lot to carry on her shoulders if she did. This could mean she would have to do another tour around the kingdom to help those infected by the dimension. While there, she would have to risk being attacked relentlessly throughout the tour like she just experienced with her father.
I could always complete the bond with Chase and make him go around the kingdom with me. At least then, I would have this itch of needing to have sex scratched.
Since her father mentioned it, the thought of completing the bond made her mind jump over how incredible the night she spent with Chase was and how she would love to have another night just like that. Part of the bonding ceremony would be them consummating the bond to solidify it. After all the stress she had been going through, having a blissful night with Chase sounded like a perfect cure for her ailment.
After the shower and putting on some new clothes, Remy ventured her way down into the kitchen. The submissives on kitchen duty already had a few steaks on a plate ready for her, only cooked on the stove for a few seconds on each side so that the meat would be rare, with a side of creamy potatoes and sweet corn. Remy devoured the steaks first, satisfying her Lycan with the need for rare meat after shifting so much and using their power. The potatoes and corn were just a bonus, giving her more calories to fill her well. She thanked everyone for the meal after washing it down with a cup of water that was the size of her head. She wished it were a glass of wine, but it didn’t matter. She just wanted to go to bed. Her head hit the pillow, and she was out like a light.
The sounds of screaming woke Remy up from her slumber. The pack bonds rattled with anxiety and fear, causing her to jump off the bed and to her window. Outside, the situation was in complete disarray as pack members engaged in battle with other Lycans. Some women ran with their children in their arms to take cover in an underground shelter that needed a pack member's fingerprint to get in. It was the safest place for anyone unable to fight to stay until the battle ended.
Remy opened her window and jumped toward the ground, shifting into her Lycan form as she descended. When her paws met the ground, she ran to the closest Lycan, whose fur was black as night, like hers, but it had brown paws. It was sprinting toward Bryan's Lycan, who was already fighting with another. Remy couldn't allow Bryan to be ambushed, so she tackled the unknown Lycan before he could get there. It was a simple attack, especially since a jagged rock peeked out from under the grass that the Lycan's neck fell on. Remy heard the crunch of the bones breaking, but she grabbed the head and twisted it so she could be sure they were dead.
A look around made Remy's heart sink into her stomach. There were Lycans all over the place engaged in battle and bodies scattered around their property of the fallen. One of the bodies was a Lycan she wasn't too familiar with but recognized as one of theirs. Amidst the fight, the bonds flared with emotion and rage, and she could not pick up on the deaths in the pack. She searched the bonds to find her mother, father, brother, and Bryan and was relieved to find them all still alive.
A group of three came running in from the side without indicating where they were headed. Nobody was available to fight them off except her, so Remy sprinted after them as they turned to the packhouse. As if they knew there was a safe room inside, they ran right to the area with a door to get in. Remy jumped on the back of one in the middle, swiping her arms at the others' faces to scratch their eyes. The Lycan she’d jumped on yowled in pain and then tried to flip her off his back. In her Lycan form, she wrapped her legs around his waist as tightly as she could as she tried to fight off the other two while staying on. The next thing she knew, she felt herself going backward. Remy's back hit the ground, and the full weight of the Lycan was on top of her, pushing out the air in her lungs. The other two Lycans surrounded them, and the Lycan rolled off on her.
Fuck me with a stick.
All three of them were leaning down to bite her when Remy drew on the strength of the bonds like she did to save Kodi. She found Kodi's first and pulled on his pack bonds to add to it, making the three Lycans choke from the power rolling off her. Remy swiped her claws at the one on the right's neck, mostly getting fur and a little blood. She did it again to expose the Lycan's throat before two of her pack members jumped onto the other two. With them caught in the trance of her power, it was an easy win for her pack, but they whined as they finished them off and still felt her power. Remy cut off the pull, and the two pack members stopped whining but continued to bare their necks. After recognizing them as two Lycans in the middle of the pack's hierarchy, she sent a command to them to fight any other available opponent. They made a noise at her and then took off, leaving her to fall back onto the ground.
I am so out of shape.
Just when she began to roll to her feet, another Lycan leapt on top of her, pinning her to the ground. It was a mixture of tans and browns with a hint of white on its snout. The scent of cedar mixed with berry wafted in her nose as its paws soaked in blood were on either side of her. The cedar told her what she needed to know, and a snarl from her caused the Lycan to open its mouth to show her all its teeth. There was blood matted on his snout, and she could smell the scents of her pack members on its breath. Remy had no leverage for an attack from this position, but that wouldn't stop her. She called on the magic to switch to a wolf before the brown Lycan was hit from the side and off her. Remy rolled to the side to see the blonde Lycan of her brother attacking the Lycan, blood spraying everywhere from Kodi's claws and teeth ripping into it. She wasn't sure how Kodi got out of the cell but quickly checked the bonds for the dimension. It was still the same silvery color before when she saved him, so she was relieved to know her brother was fighting for her.
When he was done, Remy saw her brother's glowing green eyes staring at her. There was no movement other than a nod before he ran off to fight someone else. She felt her body relax, knowing her brother was okay and fighting among them. It meant that whatever the Goddess did worked. Her brother was back.
But now, she needed to engage in this territory battle before more pack members were lost.
When she got to her feet, few of the enemy were left. Kodi was fighting another Lycan who looked bigger than him, but that wasn't slowing him down. Everyone else was so scattered around the property that she was unsure if they were winning or losing. Bodies covered their lawn from each side of the house. Some were from their pack, but from what she could see, it was mostly the enemy. One light-colored Lycan, smaller than every other Lycan she knew, was off to the side and waiting. Their eyes were fixed on Tala, who was on top of one of the enemies. Remy shifted into her wolf form and darted over as fast as possible. She was just in time for that Lycan to jump over the bush. She was crouching down behind, and it hit her from the side in mid-air. The Lycan fell hard, rolling away from Remy, who landed on her feet. Remy chased down the Lycan and bit down on the closest body part so they couldn't escape. This one was a female, and she didn't seem very experienced in battle. The Lycan's eyes glowed yellow and widened at the sight of Remy. She always got it when she was in her wolf form, and it was an added benefit because it caught so many by surprise. It rolled onto its back, exposing its belly to Remy and admitting defeat. Remy refused to accept its submission. This pack was Levi's pack, and she was tired of this man trying to destroy her family and kingdom. Remy moved so fast to wrap her teeth around the neck and shook as violently as she could until she heard the snap of the Lycan's neck. Her pack howled in victory as the last of the opposing pack had fallen, making them the victors.
But at what cost?
Chapter twenty-eight