Page 64 of Lycan Rejected
Remy squeezed his hand and looked at the ocean of people surrounding them. Tala cleared her throat and stood straighter as she spoke to the few who remained standing.
"We have lost great people today. Mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, daughters, sons, and friends. We are gathered here under the Moon Goddess's light to say our goodbyes before they enter her warm embrace. They have all fought diligently today, and we emerged as the victors with their strength and determination." Tala looked over at Chase. "It is also because of the nobility of the Silver Ridge Pack that they came to our aid tonight, and we owe them a great amount of gratitude for their efforts."
There was a chorus of murmurs that Remy knew were "thank you," but then she could hear everyone's soft cries as they said goodbye to their loved ones.
"I call on the moon's power to lift the spirits of our fallen to the Moon Goddess's embrace."
A beam of the moon's light came down over them all. Remy felt the warmth of the power as the moon's light touched her. She looked up at the moon, and she could feel a presence of power and purity sweeping across them, giving them all a feeling of closure and love as the goddess called the fallen to her. Tears ran down Remy's face as she saw the light flickering inside the moon's beams. She sensed that the spirits of the fallen were making their ways upward, and she couldn't help but feel that her father was on his way to peace.
Rest easy, Dad. I love you. I'll make you proud.
Chapter thirty
After the funeral, Remy retired to her room. Chase followed her without saying a word. He knew she needed the space and time to gather her thoughts. This was going to be a huge change for the pack. The stings of the severed bond where Lykos used to be still plagued them all. Either Tala needed to take over by reciting the words, or they needed to decide who would take over.
She thought of Kodi taking over the pack and merging with the Great Plains. It would be a good choice since Kodi had enough wolves to replace those lost today. She wasn't sure if he would take the position, though.
We should be the ones to take over the pack, Remy said to her Lycan.
It felt wrong for her to say such a thing. Her father was just sent to the afterlife, and she plans to take over the pack. Was it wrong for her to do so? It was in Pack Law that when an Alpha fell, especially during battle, a new Alpha would need to take over duties immediately. It was required to provide the pack bonds, after losing their Alpha, the one person who could calm them. The magic of the pack bonds was currently not in balance. There was only one way to fix it: for a new Alpha to replace the one they lost.
If you think that, you should present yourself as an option to your mother.
Not right now. She is mourning her mate.
Well, it needs to be soon. The pack is restless.
I can feel that, but it's not the time.
I will repeat my statement. It needs to be soon. The pack will become dangerous if left in this state for too long.
Sometimes, Remy hated that her Lycan was the voice of reason. It would have been nice to live on the edge and do what she wanted without someone in her head telling her what she needed to do and constantly reminding her how detrimental it was for her to do the things she was responsible for.
Through the bonds, it certainly felt that way, though. Each of the twenty Lycans that were left felt as if they were pacing inside Remy's soul. She usually did not feel any of these things because Lykos kept it away from the rest of the pack. He did not like the idea of the entire pack feeling what he could from the entire pack. She once remembered him saying it was the Alpha's duty to keep the pack at peace. If it was to keep the bonds filtered to just him, then so be it.
The shower in her room was where Remy wanted to go immediately. Chase wrapped his arms around her as she started to pull off the clothes he had given her outside. At first, she resisted. However, the feelings of safety and warmth spread through their bond, making her nuzzle into his chest. Tears threatened to spill once again, but Remy breathed through it.
I’ve cried enough today. I don't want to cry anymore. I can't take this.
"You are allowed to mourn your father and Alpha, Remy. There is no law against it."
Remy growled. "I am tired of mourning. I just want to go out there, find Levi, and tear him limb from limb."
Chase chuckled. "As hot as it is to hear you want to avenge your father and get all bloodthirsty, you need to rest. How long were you fighting before we arrived?"
Remy shrugged and nestled into his arms again. "I don't remember. It started yesterday, I think. We didn't get much of a rest before the next wave came through. I feel like I have been fighting for a whole day."
The mention of that activated the soreness and pure exhaustion in Remy's muscles. She felt her knees wobble as they threatened to give way. She would have been on the floor without Chase's strong arms holding her up.
"I think it would be wise to take a hot bath. Your body needs time to rest," he told her as he lowered her to the ground and walked toward the tub.
Remy thought of something her father had said. He wanted to improve the shifts of guards for the perimeter. Remy tried to stand up, but her body barely wanted to move. She fell back to the ground with a groan and rolled onto her back. Chase stood over her with his eyebrows furrowed at her.
"You need to rest, love. Stop trying to run off."
"Chase, my father said we needed to tighten the guard's shifts. I need to tell my moth-"