Page 24 of Crow's Revenge
“I’ll be riding out now.”
Noted. He left as I turned back to Raven. “I don’t suspect anything will go down while I’m not here, but stay sharp. Rael, Exorcist, and Shadow should arrive soon from Tonopah.”
“I got this, pres. Go.”
SINCE I NEEDED TO TALK to Sadie and I wasn’t sure if Bella would be able to ride when I found her, I opted to take one of the company vehicles. Hawk, Cuckoo, and Claw rode behind us. I assumed Carrion scouted the way ahead of our location down Hwy 95.
“Lake Alpine is how far?” I asked, turning around to ask Sadie. She sat behind Carson, who volunteered to drive.
“About eight hours.”
Eight fucking hours. A lot could happen in that amount of time. None of it is good.
“How did you meet Undertaker?”
“On a case over three years ago.”
“I placed her undercover to help catch the men who were trafficking girls in the Las Vegas area,” Carson added.
“We built a case against some of the traffickers, Mayor Elliott Goodman, and the Dirty Death MC. I had to get close to him. He liked me.” Sadie shrugged.
Damn. That was dangerous.
“Why did you do it?”
“I didn’t give her a choice,” Carson answered.
Sadie smirked. “He didn’t expect to fall for me.”
“Yeah,” Carson agreed. “That’s true.”
She turned her attention back to me. “Undertaker is unpredictable. You know this. But what you don’t know is that he’s not just a vargulf.”
“Fuck.” Of course, it wasn’t that easy. “What is he?”
“He’s an Alpha wolf. The leader of his clan.”
Yeah. So?
“It means he’s fighting an internal war. I’ve seen it.”
Carson gripped the steering wheel and shot a glance at her in the rearview mirror.
What the fuck did that mean?
“I told him he had to cut ties with his vargulf to be with me. I never expected him to do it.”
Well, shit. “He bit you?”
“Yes. He mated me, Crow. I, uh, I’m pregnant too.”
Jesus. Christ. She slept with that fucking bastard?
“The thing is, I care about his wolf. The Alpha. That part of him is good. It’s the vargulf that’s evil. Everything awful he’s done has been the vargulf. I know his human/wolf side didn’t want it.”
How could she possibly know that?
“You could be wrong.”