Page 32 of Royal Caleva: Luis
“It is one of the trademarks of Caleva.” Luis looked pleased. “You must experience it in its natural habitat.”
Luis turned to Eve. “Thank you for a most memorable evening.” He took the hand she offered before leaning in to barely brush his cheek against hers in a European air-kiss. Then he drew back before doing it beside her other cheek.
The scent of his skin, the silken tickle of his beard, and the heat of his body sent a rush of desire flooding through her body.
She stepped back abruptly.
What the hell is wrong with me? This was her daughter’s father…and a king!
He repeated his European farewell with Grace.
And then he was gone, the door closing quietly behind him.
Grace did a little dance. “Mom, he’s incredible! He’s so down-to-earth that I almost forgot he’s a king.”
He had a different effect on Eve, but she could never admit that. “He’s pretty impressive.”
Grace broke off a hibiscus blossom, sniffed it, and then tucked it in her hair. “He loved your cooking too.”
“Speaking of which, I’d better clean up.” And forget about his praise of her meal. Eve started toward the dining room. “You’re excused from clearing duty since you have school tomorrow.”
“No way. I want to talk about…Luis.” Grace was bubbling with excitement.
Eve picked up a couple of wineglasses while Grace began to collect the dessert plates from the table, talking all the while about various snippets of the evening’s conversations. Eve interjected encouraging comments whenever necessary as the two of them worked like the smoothly functioning team they had melded into over the years.
A cloud of melancholy settled around Eve’s heart. How many more times would she and Grace do this together? Yes, her daughter would be graduating later in the year—with her royal father in attendance—but Eve had expected to have these last months with Grace to savor and build memories from. Now Luis had changed the dynamic of her little family. Selfishly, Eve resented the intrusion into this last stretch of mother-daughter time before Grace struck out on her own, probably somewhere other than in Ames, Iowa.
As Eve handed the last scrubbed pot to Grace to dry, her daughter went still. All the light vanished from her face as she said, “Mom, I think there’s something wrong with me.”
“What? Do you feel sick?” Eve examined her daughter’s face for flushing or paleness.
“No, not that kind of wrong.” Grace’s gaze shifted to the pot in her hand and then back up to Eve. “This sounds twisted, but I want to meet Odette Fontaine.”
Luis settled into the back seat of the SUV with a deep sense of satisfaction. “My daughter is an extraordinary young woman,” he said to Mikel, who sat next to him. “I have found my lost child.”
Luis had always felt his family was incomplete, but he had put it down to his frustrated desire for more children. Now he believed he had somehow felt the tug of Grace’s presence in the world because she shared his Dragón blood.
“I truly celebrate for you,” Mikel said, his voice warm. “You deserve this happiness.”
“Gracias, amigo mío,” Luis said with satisfaction. “It is amazing how much she reminds me of Raul. They even have some of the same mannerisms.” When Grace was considering an idea with seriousness, she narrowed her eyes slightly, just as his son did. She also had the same way of going from solemnity to charm with a sudden flash of a smile.
“Your genes are very strong,” Mikel said.
Luis laughed, more as a way to release his buzzing excitement than because he was amused. “I take no credit. Those were bequeathed to me by my ancestors.”
“And how soon will Grace be coming to Caleva?” Mikel asked.
“She is doing something called rotations that do not allow her any time off from her studies for two months. I cannot wait that long.” Luis considered for a moment. “I think that Caleva needs to open a veterinary school in the near future to fill a glaring gap in our institutions of higher education. We will begin to develop our plans by polling a group of fourth-year students and their professors about what should be included in their educational experience. Why not start with the top five students from Iowa’s well-regarded veterinary college…so Grace won’t be singled out? All expenses paid, and with a sizable donation to Iowa State, of course. Bruno will work out the details.”
Mikel sighed in resignation.
Luis reached over to squeeze his forearm. “I have missed my daughter’s entire life until now. I cannot bear to miss more.”
“I know that hurts you, Señor. Another cruelty to lay on Odette Fontaine’s shoulders.”
“Let us not talk about that viper on this joyous occasion.” Luis released his grip on Mikel’s arm, brushing against the plastic box resting on the seat between them. “Are those the Scotcheroos?”
“Yes. Eve wanted the security team to have a treat.”