Page 45 of Royal Caleva: Luis
“Probably even less than their husbands,” Luis said.
Eve felt guilty about her sexual fantasy. Those women hadn’t necessarily wanted to sleep with the king, not like she did.
“Please, let us sit.” Luis gestured to the sofa in front of the fireplace.
“Would you like something to drink?” Eve asked, thinking she could use something to cool off her overheated imagination.
“Cold water would be most welcome,” Luis said, settling into an armchair.
When Eve glanced at her daughter, Grace shook her head before she sat on the end of the sofa closest to her father.
“Tell me what you think of Caleva so far,” Luis said, leaning toward his daughter.
Grace launched into an enthusiastic description of the sights they had seen, thanking her father for flying them there first class.
He waved a hand in dismissal, but it clearly pleased him that she had enjoyed it.
When Eve brought him a tall glass of water with ice, he accepted it with a warm smile of gratitude before his focus shifted back to his daughter. Eve was happy to let the two of them talk, so she snuggled into a wing chair, kicking off her shoes and curling her legs under her. The flickering fire, the music of Grace’s soprano and Luis’s baritone voices, and her exhaustion made her lean her head against the chair’s high back in drowsy contentment.
“We are putting your mother to sleep.” Luis’s voice held a thread of apology. “I should leave you to rest from your journey.”
Eve sat upright. “No, please don’t go. It was so nice to sit here listening to the two of you talking.”
Now that her eyes were open, she noticed that Luis had relaxed in his own chair, leaning back and stretching out his long legs, which he crossed at the ankles. He wore the shiniest wingtips she had ever seen. Of course, he had a valet to keep them that way.
“No, I am being selfish.” He straightened his posture and folded his legs in to stand. “But before I go, I have a small gift for each of you.” He reached into his trouser pocket and brought out a small velvet bag. “To welcome you to Caleva.”
He unzipped the bag and poured something shiny into the palm of his hand. “For you, hija mía, in honor of your heritage.” He pinched up a gold chain between thumb and forefinger to display the golden pendant dangling from it, a fiercely snarling Calevan dragon with glittering emerald eyes.
Grace stood and held the pendant against her palm to admire it. “He’s the dragon on your coat of arms. I love it!”
“It is now your coat of arms as well,” Luis said. “May I put it on you?”
“Yes, please.” Grace turned and twisted her hair over her shoulder so Luis could lift the necklace over her head and fasten the catch behind her neck.
“It’s perfect.” Grace pivoted and kissed her father on the cheek. “I will treasure it always.”
Luis kissed Grace on both cheeks in return, his eyes ablaze with happiness.
“And for you, Eve.” Luis pulled out another pouch and tilted the contents into his hand. “A Calevan lily. Our miraculous flower that stops dementia.”
He held up the necklace, and it sparkled in the firelight. The lily’s dark red color was created by tiny rubies.
Oh God, he was going to want to put it around her neck. And she couldn’t wait.
She uncurled her legs and stood. “It’s lovely.” And far too fancy for her, but she would keep it someplace safe.
He looked a question at her, and she mutely turned her back to him, flicking her hair out of the way as Grace had. His scent wrapped itself around her right before he brought the necklace in front of her. The temptation to lean back against his tall, strong body was overwhelming, but she kept herself from swaying.
Then his fingers were brushing against the sensitive skin of her nape, and electric desire zinged through her to coil between her legs. All too quickly, the clasp was closed, and his touch was gone.
She dropped her hair over the still-tingling spot and touched the lily as she turned. “Thank you for the beautiful gift.”
He brushed his cheek against hers, which sent more heat skimming through her. “It is a joy to have you both here in my country.”
Grace looked up from delighting in her necklace. “Will you come back here tomorrow night?”
“Wild horses could not keep me away,” Luis said, and Eve heard the truth of it ring in his voice.