Page 81 of Royal Caleva: Luis
“She claims she didn’t know she was pregnant when I broke off the relationship,” Luis said, the anger fading to pain. “When she discovered her condition, she decided to punish me by giving our child away.”
“She could not have chosen a crueler revenge,” Lorenzo said, his eyes dark with sorrow. “I am so sorry.”
“Gracias, mi hermano,” Luis said, touched again by his brother’s understanding. “But at least our story has a happy ending. Grace will join our family as the princess she should have always been.”
“Does Grace know who her biological mother is?” Gabriel asked, touching the ear that had been reconstructed after his kidnapping. “That is a heavy burden to shoulder.”
“She knows,” Luis said. “She is troubled by it, but she was raised by a woman who overflows with goodness and decency. That gives Grace the confidence to repudiate the ugly legacy of her birth mother.”
Raul spoke up. “I have spent enough time with Grace to be certain that she shares nothing of Odette’s insanity. She is caring and empathetic. She intends to use her position as princess to advocate against cruelty to animals.”
Luis nodded to his son with gratitude.
“What about her adoptive mother?” Hélène asked. “How does she feel about her daughter’s new position?”
Eve’s tears from that morning haunted him. “It is perhaps harder for her than for Grace,” he admitted. “But she plans to move to Caleva after Grace graduates from veterinary school.” He looked at Quinn. “I hope you can help your fellow Americans acclimate to Caleva.”
“Honestly, it isn’t hard to love it here, but I’ll be happy to do whatever I can,” Quinn said.
“Thank you,” Luis said with a smile at the young woman. He added an undertone of steel when he scanned the assembled group and said, “Are you ready to welcome my daughter into the family?”
“Of course we will welcome her,” Hélène said. As always, she was aware of the nuances of a difficult situation. “She is your child.”
Hélène had more reason than anyone but Gabriel to hate Odette. Luis admired her generosity in setting aside the terrible half of Grace’s parentage.
Luis nodded and pulled out his phone to tap the button notifying Bridget that Grace and Eve should join them.
Eve was concerned when Grace reached for her hand as they followed Bridget through the corridors of the palace.
“It will be fine,” Eve said, giving her daughter’s fingers a reassuring squeeze. “If they don’t behave, your father will throw them in the dungeon.”
Grace gave a choked-off laugh. “It’s handy to have a king for a father.”
Sometimes. Eve wished with all her heart that Luis had been someone less. Less prominent. Less constrained by tradition. Less devastatingly attractive.
But then he wouldn’t be Luis.
As they rounded a corner, Eve nearly gasped. Luis stood waiting in the hallway, looking like all the things she wished he wasn’t—regal, commanding, and sexy as hell in his pale blue shirt and charcoal gray trousers. Even worse, when he saw them, his eyes lit with warmth and excitement.
“Buenas noches,” he said, smiling. “My family eagerly awaits you. Please come in.” He opened the door and gestured them through.
Eve hung back so that Grace could go first. Unfortunately, that allowed Luis to place his hand on the small of Eve’s back to usher her in. His touch scorched through the fabric of her dress like a brand, the heat radiating across her skin to settle deep inside her. She broke the contact as soon as she could, stepping away from him so that he could be beside his daughter.
Of course, all the people in the room had turned to face them, and she felt caught in a spotlight. Then everyone stood as Luis escorted Grace into the room.
“Lorenzo, my daughter, Grace, and her mother, Eve,” Luis said, stopping in front of a man who was nearly his twin. Lorenzo lacked Luis’s air of command, though, and a shadow of sadness enfolded him. “My brother, Lorenzo, el Duque de Bruma.”
Lorenzo took Grace’s proffered hand in both of his. “I am delighted to meet you. Welcome to the family. We are very happy to have you here.” His smile seemed sincere if subdued.
“A pleasure to meet you too,” Grace said.
Lorenzo then turned to Eve with his hand held out. “An honor. My brother speaks highly of you and what an excellent mother you are.”
Eve murmured something polite as she flushed at the praise from Luis. But of course he would tell them that to counteract the taint of Odette Fontaine.
It went on that way as they were introduced to the others. Everyone spoke words of welcome and joy at having a new addition to the family. They seemed sincere, but it was a relief to greet Quinn, who said in a low voice as Luis moved on, “I know what it’s like to meet them all at once. You’re doing great.”
It was overwhelming. These people—even Quinn as Gabriel’s fiancée—knew exactly where they belonged in the world. They weren’t arrogant or condescending or overbearing. There was no need to be. They were royal dukes and duchesses and princes and kings. Their place in the hierarchy was crystal clear, and it was at the very top.