Page 101 of Chaos
“What’s the matter?” I’m running out of options.
Checking her diaper, it’s dry. We walk around the room, and I try to show her every colorful item I have.
“Mamama!” She’s full-bellied screaming.
My heart races. I don’t know how to fix this.
Dammit. I don’t want to call Sofia. She’s at her interview.
“What, Jax?” Nikolai’s voice is gruff when he answers his cell.
“She won’t stop—” I don’t have to continue. Her sobs are inches from my chin.
“Did you feed her? Check her pants?” He runs down the list of basics.
“Yeah, yeah. I did all of that.” Rocking her on my hip doesn’t work. “I’m really messing this up, Nikolai. Please, what can I do?”
Her hands clasp and run up and down her face as her back arches away from me.
“Mamama!” She almost drowns out the deep sounds of engines passing by the house again.
“Tell me what she was doing.” Nikolai is calm.
I wish I was. I’m ready to take her to the doctor this instant.
“She was sitting playing with her toys and—” I’m watching her writhe away from me and see something strange.
There’s an eyeball staring out of her left nostril.
“—I think I figured it out. Thanks.” I click my phone off.
Pressing down gently on her nose, I’m able to work the small piece of plastic out.
Her tears dry up almost instantly.
“Oh, Maeve. I need to check your animals more closely, huh?” I’m just glad she’s okay.
Her sweaty brow rubs against my neck as she burrows in.
I’m not sure if I feel triumphant. A million worse possibilities of what could have happened run through my head.
Is she really safe with me?
Song- Hypnosis, Sleep Token.
Outside our house, I turn off the engine and tilt my head, trying to see into the darkness through the rearview mirror. I can hear the rumbling of bikes nearby, but there are no lights to be seen. After what happened at Jax’s fight, I’m not stupid. I know there could be repercussions here. Especially knowing Brody is involved.
We ran out of milk again, so while Jax was bathing Maeve, I rushed out to buy some. Now I’m thinking that maybe he should go in the future.
I dial Jax's number and he answers on the first ring, calming my anxiety.
“Hey, sweetheart. I heard you pull up. What’s up?”
Maeve is babbling at him in the background.