Page 40 of Chaos
She flips over and sits on her mat with a confused look. “Wait, you don’t want him to know?”
“Please? Just until I know for sure.” Rushing to the bedroom, I change out of my baggy t-shirt and shorts to jeans and a long-sleeved blouse.
The thought of Jax thinking he can just waltz in after getting me fired makes me furious.
Who does he think he is?
He can’t just take over and ruin everything that I’ve built.
By the time the doorbell rings, I’m fuming.
Flinging it open, my jaw drops in shock.
“What are you doing here?” I push the door almost closed as he wedges his foot in the gap.
“I felt bad about how things went down. It was a surprise seeing you last night. You still look good. Nothing a few workouts wouldn’t fix.” He gives me his best lopsided grin.
It used to make me giddy.
Now I want to kick him in the balls.
“What do you care? You gave up any say over me, or my body, a long time ago.” My heel finds its way onto his toe.
He grunts and his lips thin, but he doesn’t move his wedge.
“That isn’t what I meant and you know it, Sof. Things in the past can stay in the past. We all make mistakes. It’s important that we move on from them.” His palms open as he steps closer and his voice gets husky. “You did moves last night I’ve never seen. I want you to do them again, but for me.”
“Mistakes? Like ‘oops, I tripped and fell into my best friend’s fiancé’s vagina with my dick?’ It’s not like you misspelled a name on a piece of paper, Brody. That isn’t something you can just erase.” I try to shove his shoe out again. “Go away.”
“You know I didn’t love her. She didn’t mean anything.” His fingers thread around the edge and he starts putting his weight behind his push.
“I don’t care. We’re so?—”
I’m cut off by Maeve screaming from the back room.
Brody’s eyes widen. “Is that a baby?”
“Yes. Now go.”
His knee digs against the wood, and I lose ground. “Who’s is it?”
“Not fucking yours.” I grab my keys laying on the table and dig the sharp metal into his knuckles.
He lets out a yelp before stumbling backwards.
His swearing is muffled as I slam the door closed.
Is that Brody? What the fuck is he doing here?
The fact that he’s walking away cradling his own hand kinda tells me that things didn’t go so well.
I’m not surprised she rejected him, but why is he here?