Page 46 of Chaos
I drop the patch on Mikhail’s desk. The beast of a Russian stands with his back to me, his massive hands gripped behind his broad back.
“I may have fucked up, boss.” Leaning back in the stuffed leather chair, I wait to see just how bad it is.
He faces the window in silence. The slick edges of his black hair catching the glimmer of the Vegas Strip lights below.
His jaw moves in silence beneath the thick fabric of the balaclava that covers his lower face.
He’s the only person I’ve ever met that makes me feel nervous to be around.
“Did you kill him?” The deep rumble of his voice fills his penthouse office.
“No, but I wanted to. He was trying to attack my girl.” I should have hit them all a dozen more times.
His face turns and one of his dark eyes stares through me. “You? Have a girl?”
I shrug. “I dunno, boss. She’s special. Maybe.”
He strides from the window and his broad palms grip the back of his chair. “So, she doesn’t know she’s your girl? Is it worth starting a new war over?” He leans over and picks up the scrap of clothing and rubs it slowly between his thick finger and thumb.
His muscles flex under his snug suit as he sits. “They’ve been getting too brave lately. When I was a boy, my uncle would tell us of the Baba Yaga, who would feast upon troublesome children to make the others behave.”
He tosses the patch to me. “Perhaps it is time to teach them some manners.”
It was terrifying huddling inside with Maeve in the back room closet when Brody showed up yesterday. It sounded like he was going to break the door down.
But, after a while, I didn’t hear anything. This morning, I could swear that there was blood outside on the concrete.
“What the hell are you going to do about him?” Anna lays out four slices of bread on the counter and folds the bag closed. “This is the second time? Third?”
“Second. I don’t know what he wants. He was mad at the club when I wouldn’t dance for him, and it’s just gone downhill from there.” He’s been angrier each time he showed up.
“I thought he was there for his own bachelor party?” Anna drizzles mayo, then smears on a thick layer of guacamole. “And you have Jax showing up at your job? Geez, Sof. You really have your hands full.”
Funny she says that as I’m changing Maeve’s diaper. “Yeah. I do.”
“Are you ever going to tell Jax?” she asks quietly before adding the last few layers of our sandwiches and cutting them diagonally. “He’s going to find out if you start seeing him.” She takes a large bite and disappears into her bedroom.
I don’t know if I want to see him.
Well, a big piece of me does.
“What do you think, baby girl?” I coo against Maeve’s chubby foot. “Would you want to see him?”
I stare back at his eyes on her round face. His dark curls fanning around her head.
Could I handle seeing his rejection of her?
Maybe it will just be easier to deal with explaining to her once she’s older why he isn’t around. It would be better than her knowing that he didn’t want her.
It makes my stomach roll.
What if I’m wrong?