Page 98 of Chaos
Our own little family.
“Yes, beautiful?” I whisper.
She just giggles and looks up at her dad. The complete love in his eyes as he looks at his daughter is enough to make my pulse skip a beat.
He leans in and presses a kiss to her cheek. “I love you, tigryonok.”
That’s it. My heart explodes in my chest.
I wonder what it would be like one day hearing him say those words to me. Because with every passing moment with this man, I seem to be falling deeper and deeper.
When I’m with Jax, I can take on the world. Our souls were meant to find each other, I’m sure of it.
He looks down at me with that same look in his eyes as he presses his lips softly to my temple.
“You girls have a good day?” he asks, setting Maeve down on the couch with a book.
“We did. We did some grocery shopping, and I had a call?—”
His strong arms wrap around my stomach from behind, and he brushes my hair away from my neck.
“What call?” he mutters against my throat.
“I have an interview scheduled for tomorrow. I get to train and do my classes. If I get the job, that is.”
He spins me around to face him, and I’m met with a smile. “I’m so proud of you, baby.”
He hugs me tight and I can’t hide the grin on my own face.
“Are you able to watch Maeve in the morning? I should only be gone an hour or so.”
“Of course, as long as you trust me on my own.” He wiggles his brows, but I can sense a hint of unease.
Maybe he is doubting himself a little bit.
My hands find their place on his chest, and I look up at him.
“I trust you with Maeve, Jax. You are an awesome dad. She loves you. Don’t ever think otherwise, okay?” I give him a stern look to let him know I’m being serious.
“What could possibly go wrong?” He tilts his head.
“Nothing. You will both have a great time. Now, I was thinking about heading out to a park with Maeve. You coming?”
“Damn right.”
After we put Maeve to bed, Jax helps me tidy the kitchen up before our movie night. As I bend down to put the last plate in the dishwasher, a crack comes through the air and my ass stings, causing me to jump in the air with a scream.
“Jax!” I shout. He’s red faced laughing with the towel he just whipped me with wrapped around his fist.
I run towards him, and he darts out of the way easily and takes off.
“Get your butt back here!” I call out and chase after him through the hallway. He stops just before the front door, turning to face me, so I barrel into his chest. With a squeal, he lifts me by the waist and my back slams against the wall, his hand covering my mouth.
“Shh, you’ll wake up Maeve.”
My eyes go wide as he licks his lips.
“I have something for you, tigritsa.”