Page 62 of Caged
And I need more from her. By the time I woke up, her space in the bed was empty but still warm.
And as Elena and I went downstairs, she’d made us pancakes with berries, yet disappeared to her room. I didn’t have time to question her, but I will.
“Can we do this later?” My patience is wearing thin.
“No. Found it. Look.” He slings his view up onto the big screen on the wall of his office. Red and ultraviolet LED lights illuminate the television on either side.
Fits with the vibe of his club.
Pages of code scroll past.
“What am I looking at?” I’m not a hacker. This looks like a completely different language to me.
“Here.” He pulls a laser pointer that swirls around in a tight circle around a cluster of letters. “This is a signature I haven’t seen in ten years. Someone from Russia is trying to break into our systems.”
“That’s not a surprise. Ivan probably has his men elbow deep in their computer banks trying to get to us.” I lean back and cross my arms over my chest. “I’m really not the person you should be telling.”
Enzo turns, his dark eyes narrowing. “Yes. You are. They’re targeting you.”
“Why?” I’m not an obvious mark. Mikhail would be. Or, Jax. That kid is loaded.
He shakes his head. “They’re tracking your movements. The traffic cams in the area are set up on an alert when they read your license plate.”
Enzo tosses his cell onto the table and picks up his glass of bourbon. “It’s time to offload the diamonds. I’ve found a buyer and sent your brother the information.”
A weight lifts from my shoulders.
“When?” I can’t wait to have them gone. They’ve caused so much hassle, and death.
“Soon. I’ll call later this week with specifics.” He crosses his bare ankle over his knee, sipping his drink and watching me over the rim. “In the meantime, keep your mouth shut.”
Anger surges within my chest at his arrogance. “The fuck? I don’t talk.”
His head tilts as he laughs. “They’re bugging you, I’d bet. Don’t take offense.” He waggles his eyebrows. “Not even pillow talk with that hot brunette.”
“How did you?—”
“I see everything.” He waves his hand like I should already know that. “In the meantime, I’m going to try and sever this link to whoever has tied in.” He peels the bag on his table open and pulls out my phone. “Now you see why I had to make sure this was shielded. I didn’t want any eavesdroppers.”
“You think it’s bugged?” I look down at my device, almost expecting it to look different.
His suit jacket snugs as he shrugs. “Probably. But, they’re good.”
Heading out to my car, I feel like I’m being watched.
Except it’s my two smiling girls waiting for me.
Melissa and Elena both wave when I get close.
The cool air of the AC hits me when I climb into the driver’s seat, but it doesn’t have much of a chill. “Just one more stop, and then we’ll head to the park.”
“Daddy, if it’s long, can we go in with you? It’s hot.” Elena wipes her sweaty forehead dramatically.