Page 1 of Songs to Break Up To
From “The New Boy Who Will Steal Your Heart (We Promise!)” in Teenage magazine, sixteen years ago:
Everyone’s talking about Finn Wiley! With his hit single “Ice Cream Girlfriend,” Finn has turned heads and stolen hearts. We’ve got the scoop on this HOT new artist (check out the pictures below—WOW) and we even got the scoop on his dating life (HINT: It’s not what you think!)
Q: Did the success of “Ice Cream Girlfriend” take you by surprise?
A: Sure it did! It’s exciting, though. I’m really happy about it! I’m only sixteen, so I know I’m very fortunate to have so much success so early.
Q: You’re sixteen, but you’re almost seventeen! What are your plans for your seventeenth birthday?
A: Honestly, I haven’t thought about it. I’ve been on the road so much. But if the dates work out, I’d love to have a big party in New York. Maybe on a rooftop. With fireworks. No alcohol, though, because I’m not of age yet!
Q: Sounds like fun! Who’s invited?
A: Any of my friends who can make it. Hopefully some of them can come!
Q: You mentioned touring. Do your parents tour with you?
A: My dad joins me when he can, but this tour is so long—seven months. He takes breaks sometimes. But there are lots of staff and other people to keep me company and make sure I do all my schoolwork.
Q: Really? You have to do homework like the rest of us?
A: Yeah, I do. I get tutored instead of going to class, but I still have homework! It doesn’t matter if I have a show to do, I still have to do it!
Q: So, the BIG question. Do you have a girlfriend?
A: (laughing) I knew you’d ask that. I can’t really say.
Q: Can’t or won’t? Is there someone special?
A: I’d like to date, sure, but I don’t have time! And I don’t have much privacy anymore.
Q: If you could date anyone, who would it be?
A: Maybe someday, I’ll meet my dream girl, whoever she is. If I do, you’ll be the first to know.
From an interview in Vixen magazine, eight years ago:
Interviewer: Let’s talk about The Muffins. You were influential.
Juliet Barstow: We were? Who says that? Why?
Q: Influential as a female punk band.
A: No one told us we were influential at the time. They told us we sucked ass and couldn’t play.
Q: I think people say that to most punk bands.
A: True. We really could play, though. There are lots of chicks making music. People ask us about being in an all-girl band, but to me it just meant we stocked tampons in the tour van. Other than that, I played bass and sang. That’s a person thing, not a female thing.
Q: Maybe, but you also wrote songs like ‘Screwhead,’ which was about getting date raped.
A: That wasn’t about me. It was about something that happened to a friend of mine. But yeah, I guess a guy wouldn’t write a song like that.
Q: It had the line “You walk away while I’m puking/I wish you were dead.” Pretty raw and powerful. A lot of musicians who came after you have said they found The Muffins’ lyrics and attitude inspiring.
A: That’s nice of them to say, but we only made one album. I was eighteen when I wrote that. I didn’t know anything about anything. I was just trying to figure life out like any other kid.