Page 47 of Off-Limits Bad Boy
I can feel the tension that's grown since last night as Kade’s energy fills my being. I can't shake the feeling that something between us has shifted, forever changed by our single night together. And whether it's for better or worse, I know there's no turning back.
“How goes it?” Alex asks, making me jolt. I turn and watch him start to turn bottles label out and I shrug.
“Fine, I guess.” It’s any other day, but it’s not. Everything has changed. I hope he can’t tell that there’s something different about me.
“And how did things go last night?” His question is somehow both casual and loaded, and I stiffen.
“What do you mean?” I ask, keeping my voice even and hoping it doesn't betray the sudden tightness in my throat.
“Kade took you home,” he says, turning to face me with a towel in hand that he flings over his shoulder. “How did it go? Did you guys talk shop or anything?”
My cheeks warm, and I wonder if he’s trying to get me to tell him that Kade and I talked about my feelings for him. Because Alex called me on it last night - he knows I like Kade, and I doubt my weak deflection fooled him for a second.
“Not really,” I say, focusing on wiping down the counter. It’s not a lie; we didn’t talk shop. I can’t help but wonder if Ryan spilled the beans about Kade staying the night at my place. But Alex is the kind of brother who’d call me out directly, not beat around the bush and hint at what he wants to know.
The chill from the walk-in cooler still clings to my skin, an interesting contrast to the heat in my face. My heart picks up a rapid beat, fear and excitement tangling with me in a way that makes me feel alive, but very much in danger.
I shake off the unease. I hate lying to my brother. I hate these kinds of secrets. And I hate whatever this spot is on the bar that won’t seem to come up.
I dip the rag into the bleach mixture. Wipe. Scrub. Put the cloth over one finger and rub the stain hard, feeling the crust of it start flaking off with enough force and pressure.
“Is everything okay?” Alex sounds worried as he studies me, his brows knitted together.
“Yeah,” I say, plastering on a smile that feels too fake and obvious. “Just tired, you know?”
He nods, seemingly satisfied with my response and our conversation, and turns back to his task.
I continue my work, rubbing the damp rag over tough surfaces, banishing spots, smudges, fingerprints, and germs. Inside, I'm a mess of nerves and longing, my mind replaying every touch, every kiss, every whispered word between Kade and me. I want him again. I don’t know if I’ll ever get enough of him. And that thought is almost frightening.
But on the outside, I'm cool, collected, unfazed, unbothered, and utterly nonchalant. At least, that's the illusion I’m going to desperately cling to.
“Watch it, Emma,” Alex says, reaching out and plucking a rogue glass from in front of me, and I realize I almost bumped it off the edge. “You almost dropped a glass.”
“Thanks. I guess I’m a million miles away.” I smile and gesture with one hand like the thoughts are fluttering out of my head.
“Sure,” he says, his eyes searching my face for answers to questions he hasn’t asked. “It wouldn't have anything to do with Kade, would it?”
“Kade?” I let out a laugh that’s a little too high-pitched. “Why would it?”
Alex’s eyes narrow as if he sees right through me. “Just curious,” he says, with a shrug. “You two seem... different today.”
I playfully roll my eyes. “Different how? Like aliens swapped our bodies while we slept?”
“I hope not,” he says with a chuckle, turning back to the sink to wash glasses.
Once every surface is clean, I rub the back of my neck, feeling the familiar prickle there that tells me someone is looking at me. I scan the room and lock eyes with Kade. I can’t help a small smile that crosses my lips.
I'm breathless, my body freezing in place as his gaze runs over me like a caress. The world narrows down to just him and me, everything else fading to a distant hum.
My brother is right; we’re both different. All I can think about is the heat in his eyes, the wicked way his lips curve up at the corners, and how badly I want him to touch me again. My cheeks blaze white-hot as my heart begins to beat double time. Tearing my attention away from him, I try to get back to work, but I have no idea what to do as I move.
I shake my head slightly, willing away thoughts that are scrambling my brain and making it impossible to think straight.
“Keep it together, Emma,” I whisper under my breath.
“Did you say something?” Alex asks, startling me.
“Nothing,” I say with a shaky smile. “Just talking to myself.”