Page 29 of Ciaran
“Good, because Millie is upstairs with her bags.”
Declan’s eyes widen. “Wait. She’s here?”
“And what if I’d said no?”
I narrow my gaze. “I’ll say it again since you’ve got cloth ears tonight. This was a tell situation. I had no intention of asking for permission.”
Indie leans forward and pats my knee. “Oh, Ciaran, I’m loving this side of you. More, please.”
I grin. “Bank on it.”
Wandering over to Callum and Laurella’s room, I rap on the door. A few seconds later, Callum opens it.
“Got a minute?” I ask.
“Sure.” He stands back and motions to me. “What’s up?”
Laurella pops her head around the bathroom door. “Hey, Ciaran. You okay?”
I pull my lips to one side. “You should probably hear this, too.”
She raises an eyebrow and pads into the room before sitting on the sofa at the end of their bed. I stuff my hands in my pockets and look at my brother.
“Millie is moving in.”
Callum’s eyes bulge. “Fuck, you move quick.”
I shake my head. “It’s not like that. She’s taking Nate’s room. Tanner turned up today. He’s been abusing her.”
A look of horror crosses Laurella’s face, which is unsurprising given what she’s been through. “What type of abuse?” she whispers.
“More emotional than physical, I think. It’s been going on for years.” I turn my attention back to Callum. “I get this might be kinda awkward for you, but I’m not here asking for permission. I’m telling you it’s happening. She needs a safe place to stay, and I’ve decided that’s here.”
Callum scuffs a hand over the top of his head, making his hair stand on end. “Well, look at you, Mother Teresa.”
Laurella gives him a glare that would make lesser men wither. Callum just cocks a brow, a glimmer of a smile playing around his lips.
“So, you’re good?” I ask, “Not that it matters, because she’s moving in anyway.”
Callum laughs. “Fair enough. And yeah, I’m good.”
“Well, I’m thrilled,” Laurella says. “I really like her. It’ll be nice to have another girl around the place.”
“I’ll leave you to it, then,” I say. “She’s waiting upstairs, worried to death you’d throw a fit.”
Callum puts on an aggrieved expression. “My reputation is undeserved.”
I choke a laugh. “Yeah, sure.”
Halfway up the stairs to tell Millie the good news, Callum catches up with me and grips my upper arm.
“Bro, for what it’s worth, it’s about goddamn time.”
I scratch my cheek. “What are you talking about?”