Page 4 of Ciaran
“Oh, that.” She motions dismissively with her hand. “It was nothing, really. We were just kids.”
“So, you’re not out for blood now that you’re back? Because I’ll hold him down while you nail him in the nuts if you like.”
She laughs again, and my heart soars. This is what she needs. Some levity. She looks as if it’s been years since she had anything to laugh about.
“Sounds to me like he’s found a partner who’ll do that for me.”
“You’re not wrong.” I grin and sip my coffee, trying not to stare or make her uncomfortable. It isn’t easy. All those feelings I buried are rising to the surface, and something tells me it won’t be easy to stifle them again. Not with her living in the same city as me.
“How is Declan?”
“He’s doing well. He started a boutique hotel chain with his inheritance. A few years ago now. He’s got several properties, and big plans for growth. He opened his latest hotel on New Year’s Eve last year. It’s right here in Manhattan, doing amazingly well. You should stop by for a drink sometime.”
“Gosh, that must be stressful.”
“I’m sure it is, but you wouldn’t know to look at him. He’s found his calling. He’s also in a long-term relationship. Two brothers falling for their soul mates in the same year.” I grin. “What are the chances?”
Her answering smile lights up her whole face. “And Nate? What’s he up to these days? He was always such a sweet kid.”
I roll my eyes. “And then he grew up. He lives out in California. He’s an actor. Doing pretty good, too. We don’t get to see as much of him as we’d like.”
Her lips pull to the side. “That’s a shame. Then again, he always struck me as very different to the rest of you. A real independent kid. I’m not surprised he’s flown the nest.”
I nod. “Me either. Nate’s his own man. Declan is torn up about it, though. He tried so hard to keep us all together when Mom and Dad died. It still hurts him that Nate got as far away from New York as he could without leaving the country.”
A brief frown draws her eyebrows low. “Yes, I remember that about Declan. Family first.”
I nod. “Always.”
An awkward silence falls between us before Millie dips into her purse and drops a few bills on the table. “It’s been great to catch up with you, Ciaran, and I’d love to stay and chat, but I have an appointment to view an apartment early tomorrow morning, so I need to get some sleep. I just hope it works out. My savings won’t last long if I have to stay in a hotel, especially without a job.”
I push the money back across the table. “This one’s on me.”
“You don’t have to do that,” she says, although she gives me a grateful, close-lipped smile as I slide a twenty underneath the saltshaker. “But thank you.”
She picks up her money and stuffs it back in her purse. Shuffling along the bench, she stands, and a surge of panic hits me. I can’t allow her to simply walk out of here without convincing her to meet with me again.
I hastily get to my feet. “How about dinner tomorrow night? Again, on me.”
She gnaws on her bottom lip, her brow wrinkled. “I’m not sure…”
“It’s only dinner. I’ve lost touch with most people from high school. It’d be fun to reminisce about old times.”
She plucks a stray hair from the corner of her mouth. “I’d love to, but I need to channel all my energies into finding a job. I appreciate the offer, though.”
Dejected, I half turn away. Out of nowhere, an idea comes to me. It might ruffle Callum’s feathers to have an ex invading his space when he’s finally settled down, but he’ll have to deal with it.
“I might be able to help you with the job situation.”
A dash of hope shines in her eyes. “Really?”
“Yeah. I can tell you all about it over dinner. You have to eat, so you may as well eat with me.” It’s bordering on blackmail, but desperate men do desperate things. I can’t let her walk away. Not again.
She nibbles on her fingernail. “I get the feeling you’re not going to take no for an answer.”
I wink. “You know it.”
She falters, then nods once. “Okay. Dinner it is.”