Page 9 of His Feral Temptation
The slideshow continues, a rapid-fire montage of images and video clips documenting their whirlwind romance—everything from adrenaline-fueled selfies mid-skydive to intimate, unguarded moments cuddled together on the couch. Thanks to Daisy’s vlog, their love is splashed all over social media, their lives an open book of daring adventures and heartfelt affection.
I lean over to nudge her gently. "You two are utterly shameless, you know that?"
She shrugs, entirely unabashed. "What can I say? We're hopeless romantics." Her eyes sparkle with mischief. "Speaking of romance..."
My brow furrows in confusion until the next slide pops up, and suddenly, I understand her meaning. It's a candid snapshot from the bachelorette party—Stylz and I huddled close together at the bar, our bodies angled toward each other. We're not quite touching, but the image is heavy with anticipation, the two of us frozen forever in that breathless moment.
A low murmur ripples through the crowd, and I can feel the weight of eyes flickering between Stylz and me with undisguised curiosity. My cheeks burn.
The slide shifts to another photo, this one capturing Stylz and me mid-embrace during our impromptu dance lesson. My head is tipped back in laughter, and his arms are looped securely around my waist, holding me flush against him. But it's the look on his face that steals my breath.
There's no trace of his usual cocky bravado or playful teasing, just an open sincerity that has my heart clenching painfully in my chest. Because the truth is glaringly obvious in that frozen moment, written plainly across his handsome features for all to see.
Stylz isn't just flirting or pursuing a casual fling.
No, the emotion blazing in his stare as he looks at me is far deeper, far more intense than I’ve been willing to admit.
Whistles and teasing "oooohs" fill the air. Across the room, Stylz catches my gaze, those green eyes holding mine.
"Well, well," Wyatt pipes up, his voice laced with unmistakable amusement. "It looks like the best man and maid of honor have been getting awfully... close."
A fresh wave of laughter ripples through the crowd, and I glance at Daisy to find her grinning like the cat who got the cream.
"What can I say?" she quips with a wink. "I wanted my wedding party to really hit it off."
The innuendo hangs heavy in the air, and despite myself, I can't quite stifle the startled laugh that escapes. My gaze darts back to Stylz, and I'm relieved to find him grinning as well, his expression a mixture of chagrined amusement and something that looks an awful lot like pride.
The teasing continues for a few more minutes until Wyatt finally calls for order, rising from his seat with a broad smile. "Alright, alright, back to the matter at hand. Let's hear from the best man."
Stylz stands, and a hush falls over the room as he straightens the lapels of his suit jacket and picks up his glass. I’m captivated by the confident set of his shoulders and the way he seems utterly unfazed by the weight of dozens of eyes trained on him.
"Wyatt and I have been friends longer than I can remember," he begins, his deep voice carrying effortlessly through the hushed space. "We grew up raising all kinds of hell in these very mountains, getting into more trouble than any two kids had a right to."
A smattering of laughter ripples through the crowd, and I smile at the thought of a mischievous younger Stylz tearing through the wilderness with his best friend.
"But through all the crazy stunts and misadventures, one thing was always clear—Wyatt was missing something." His gaze drifts to Daisy, and there's a warmth there, a sincere affection that takes me by surprise. "And when he met you, Daisy, it was like witnessing a force of nature. You came crashing into his life like a wildfire, and from that moment on, nothing was ever the same for him."
Stylz pauses, his expression turning thoughtful as his eyes flit briefly to mine. "See, the thing about wildfires is that they don't just burn hot and leave everything in ash—no, they clear the way for new life, for new growth. They breathe fresh air into the world and make it just a little bit brighter, more vibrant."
I hold his gaze, my breath catching at the undisguised sincerity in his words, at the weight of meaning behind them. Is he speaking about Wyatt and Daisy, or is there a deeper truth woven between the lines?
Stylz clears his throat, his intense stare softening as he turns back to the happy couple. "You two were made for each other, and I can't think of any two people more perfectly suited to tackle whatever adventures life has in store. Here's to a lifetime of new beginnings and growth—together."
He lifts his glass, and the rest of us follow suit, a chorus of heartfelt cheers and applause filling the air.
The rest of the rehearsal dinner passes in a bit of a blur, the food and wine flowing freely as laughter and boisterous toasts fill the air. But through it all, I can't quite shake the heated awareness of Stylz's presence, can't stop replaying the weighted sincerity of his words over and over in my mind.
For all his bravado and swagger, there's an unmistakable tenderness simmering beneath the surface, a steadfast sincerity that draws me to him. I had glimpsed it before, but seeing him lay himself bare here, in front of friends and family...
It's enough to make me start questioning everything I thought I knew about Stylz Steele.
Everything I thought I knew about myself.
When the revelry finally starts to wind down, I slip outside onto the veranda for a moment to catch my breath and gather my scattered thoughts. My solitude doesn't last long before the French doors creak open behind me, and a familiar set of boots scuffs across the wooden planks.
"There you are," Stylz rumbles, sidling up alongside me. "Was wondering where you disappeared to."
I shrug one shoulder. "Just needed some air."