Page 129 of Snared Rider
Chapter Thirty-One
Wakingin Logan’s arms is surreal. It feels like no time has elapsed since we last slept together, even though it’s been years. It also feels wrong but right at the same time. I should regret going there again, letting my walls down and giving him the opportunity to hurt me once more, but I don’t. I can’t. My emotions are in turmoil and I’m so confused, but I’m also content for the first time in a long time.
He sleeps wrapped around me, his chest to my back, his hand splayed on my hip. I snuggle back against him and can’t stop the satisfied sigh escaping my lips as he moves to kiss my neck.
“I didn’t mean to wake you,” I say, tilting as much as I can on the pillows to give him better access. It feels divine having his mouth there.
“You didn’t.” He says this between the kisses he places down to the curve of my neck and shoulder.
I know I should feel guilty about jumping straight into bed with another man, but I don’t. I’m not sure what that says about me but at this moment I also don’t care.
Then again, Logan isn’t just any other man. We have a history, a long, bloody, horrible history. It’s not like I jumped into bed with a stranger. This thought makes me feel a little better.
I’m also buoyed by the fact things with Alistair have been on the rocks for a long time. The death of my relationship was not unexpected. With hindsight, we’ve been heading in that direction for a long time now—possibly the whole time we’ve been together.
Logan’s hand moves between my legs. The heel of his palm presses against me and all thoughts of Alistair dissipate from my mind. I draw in a gasp and thrust my hips to push harder against him as he continues his assault on my neck.
He brings me to climax embarrassingly fast. I only have to look at this man and he has the power to make me come. I offer to see to him but he kisses my forehead and tells me to get cleaned up so we can have breakfast.
I do as he says, taking a quick shower. When I step back into the bedroom, Logan is perched on the edge of the bed, dressed, his hair damp. I guess he went to his room to shower while I was getting clean myself.
He glances at me as I enter and smiles, his hand reaching for me. I go to him willingly, holding my towel wrapped in place.
He lifts my hand and kisses it.
A leather-clad prince.
“Once you’re dressed we’ll get something to eat.”
I nod but don’t move. He gives me a questioning look.
I pause because I don’t want to upset the apple cart, but I also have to speak my mind.
“I want to do this, to give us another try.”
“Well, that’s good, darlin’. So do I.” He frowns at me. “I’m sensing a ‘but’ here.”
“But,” I say confirming his suspicions, “you’re going to have to give me a break. Trusting you again… it’s not going to come easy.”
I expect an argument. That I don’t get one surprises me. He stands, moving in front of me and tips my chin so I meet his gaze.
“I’ll do whatever you need me to do.” He leans down and brushes his mouth over mine in a chaste yet warm kiss. Then his lips go to my forehead. “Get dried and dressed.”
I do as he tells me and when I’m clothed he takes my hand, guiding me from the room. Hand in hand I feel like we’re teenagers again, and that makes me smile. Things were so much simpler when we were younger. So much has happened since then and I hope we can come through it.
More importantly, I want to come through it.
We find the kitchen empty and Logan moves to make breakfast for us. I didn’t know he could cook but he makes a full English breakfast that smells divine. The whole time he moves around the kitchen I notice he touches me whenever he can: a brush on the arm as he passes me to the fridge, a hand to my back as he reaches for the eggs, a rub of my shoulders while he’s waiting for the bacon to cook.
I love it.
I feel cherished, wanted and loved, and it’s a good feeling.
When he’s plated up our food, we head into the dining room and sit at the first table. There is seating enough for at least fifty, but we’re the only ones in here. I have no idea if any of the brothers came back last night, but given Logan slept next to me the entire night I guess nothing came up that needed attention. I’m not sure if that is a good or bad thing, since that means we had an uninterrupted night together, but it also means Wilson is still out there.
And that scares me.