Page 143 of Snared Rider
“Don’t say no yet. Just… just think about it. I’ll go along with whatever you decide, sweetheart, you know that. I’ve always got your back. But I’m not going to lie; I’d love to have you home. I hate you being so far from me, so far out of my reach. I can’t protect you there, I can’t see you every day.” His fingers go into his hair. “I’m not getting any younger, kid.”
His words send a chill through me.
“Oh my God, you’re like fifty-five, you’re hardly shuffling off the mortal coil.”
His lips twitch. “I’m not saying I am. I’m fit as a fiddle and healthy as a horse, but I’ve missed so much of your life since you’ve been gone. I’m just saying it would be nice to have you here.”
And my dad is the ultimate travel agent for guilt trips, because how the hell can I say no to that? Truthfully, I have no intention of saying no. Waiting for Logan in the hospital gave me a lot of time to think, and what I thought about was why would I want to stay in London?
Without Alistair there is nothing keeping me there. I have a job that runs me into the ground, and a handful of friends who aren’t really friends. My excuse for staying gone was Logan, but that reason no longer exists either.
And maybe I can do as Dad says. Going on my own will be terrifying, sure, but being my own boss, picking my own clients? It would be rewarding, too. And the internet means I can do most of it from home. The thought of not having to deal with Jan (or other Jan-types) does seem appealing.
“Well, the truth is, I am going to move home.” And now I really do need to tell him about Logan and me. Dad lets out a triumphant whoop.
“That’s bloody fantastic, girl.”
Before I can say another word he’s hugging me and because I need a hug after the week I’ve had I fall into this one with relish. However, I don’t let him hold me too long because it’s now or never. I need to tell him about Logan and me before I lose my courage. I pull back from him and clear my throat.
“There is something else I need to tell you.”
“So, tell me.”
“Logan and I…” I break off with a wince. How in the hell do I explain this without making us both look awful?
“We uh… we had a relationship. It was a long time ago but things between us are getting serious again and I think we’re going to give it another go.” I speak fast, just wanting to get the words out so I can get this over with.
Although I could have done it without the speed talking. I cringe, then risk looking up.
He goes still for a moment, then his hand goes to the back of his neck. “Sweetheart, I don’t know why you’re telling me this.”
“Because I don’t want you to find out from someone else.”
“Beth, I know about you and Logan.”
This is exactly what I had been trying to avoid. I didn’t want him to hear it from someone else.
Shit, fuck, bollocks!
“Dad, I’m sorry. I didn’t want you to find out second-hand.” I wonder who spilt the beans: Jem? Clara? Wade? Dean?
He holds up a tattooed hand. “Sweetheart, I knew about it when it was happening.”
Uh, what?
“You did?”
He rolls his eyes. “You and him may have thought you were master fucking sneaks but you really weren’t. Most of the lads knew.”
I gawk at him.
Everyone knew?
Everyone fucking knew?