Page 112 of Free Agent
I knew Jay was a mistake before he even sat down.
For starters, he was late.
Why the hell would he be late when he was supposed to be impressing me?
That was strike one.
Strike two was when I realized he didn't think he was supposed to be impressing me. He thought, for whatever godforsaken reason, I was supposed to be performing for him, which was the furthest thing from the truth for my interests, personally.
Had I put on one of the best fuck me dress-and-shoes combos in my closet?
Had I gotten my nails and toes freshly done?
Sew-in and leave-out touched up?
Did I have any plans, even in the slightest, of actually fucking this man?
Hell no.
But it had been exciting to think about the prospect, talking myself out of it, or hell, maybe into it, because we just clicked so well, had amazing chemistry. I wanted to have a good time, wanted the most of my free agent experience.
But it was quite clear from his arrogance and the questions he asked… Jay was not it.
"So, you got a little app I think they said? You look good for a nerd. Your old nigga bought you that necklace? You trying to pick up a new sponsor?"
He was trying to gauge just how much of a favor he was doing me by being on this date, and probably thinking pussy was going to be returning that favor.
The only reason I hadn't put an end to it already was because if we cut the date short and I went home, I'd be bored.
I had to give it to Jay. His sheer corniness and inflated opinion of himself was actually quite entertaining. In the midst of answering his questions, ridiculously, and asking a few of our own, Sierra and I were clearly making fun of his ass, but he hadn't caught on.
Kev had though, and was enjoying himself too, laughing at this man's expense.
If he were just corny but also a decent dude, we wouldn't have been doing that to him, but he was clearly an asshole.
But this was my bad.
When Sierra pulled up a group picture of the Brawlers, pointed out the single ones, and asked me which one I wanted, I picked Jay.
’Cause he was fine as hell.
She’d said, "Uh-uh, not him. He's annoying."
My response?
"No, set it up. I can fix him."