Page 65 of Free Agent
And the only reason we didn’t was because she agreed to get rid of him, and she did.
She asked for the divorce, tried to move on.
Didn’t bother pressing charges, just asked to be left alone.
But that wasn’t good enough for his ass, nope. He would show up unannounced when she was alone, scaring her. Paraded women around town to embarrass her, knowing he was avoiding the divorce papers, shit like that.
But then one day, he got a little too bold.
Showed up at the stables where she hosted riding lessons, our family property, which we’d made clear he wasn’t allowed on.
Called himself snatching her up.
So, me, my brothers and dad showed up at his door.
And we made a fucking point.
He never did sign those divorce papers, but Adele never had to see him again, so she called it a win. She never quite got back to herself, though.
I wouldn’t watch Joshua do the same shit to my sister.
His only saving grace was that he’d never put his hands on her.
“Listen, Tater… I get it, okay?” Tam said, pulling my attention away from my thoughts, back to our conversation. “But you know me. I will shoot his ass.”
I scoffed. “Yeah, and he knows that shit too, and yet…”
“I will make it clear to him that he’s on the verge of setting y’all off,” Tam promised. “But seriously… y’all have to let me handle it in my own way.”
“This is the last time I’m letting it go. After that, it’s on him.”
Tam pushed out a sigh. “Fine. Fair enough. I’m going back to sleep.”
“Keep your head on a swivel,” I told her before exchanging goodbyes.
Just in time to hear Monty’s raised voice.
I couldn’t make out what he was saying, but it didn’t matter. Who the fuck was he raising his voice at?
I was at the kitchen doorway before I could even think about it much, glancing around to absorb the scene in front of me.
Rori on one side of the counter, arms crossed, looking annoyed.
Monty on the other side, pissed.
“Goddamn, can I speak with my fiancée in peace, without your big ass lurking?” he snapped, in that same elevated, extra-bass tone that made me take a few more steps into the kitchen.
“Nah.” I shrugged. “You can’t. Now what?” I asked.
“Nigga, why are you even here? This doesn’t involve you.”
I smirked. “Now… you know damn well why I’m here. Look at her fine ass,” I said, gesturing at Rori, who groaned.
“Can we please just… not?”
Monty and I both looked at her.