Page 12 of Furi
Yes sir.
His men moved off after their target. Watching it all over his optic. He saw them move in and take the man. Knocking him out with a sedative, they carried him away, all the others including him, drifting into the darkness.
No noise. No scene. They were never there.
Making his way back to his own off-worlder, securing his bike. He made his report to the Admiral asking for orders, showered and took time to recharge. There was no saying when he’d next get the chance.
And woke rock hard.
Time delay 3 hours but it felt far longer.
His dreams all full of the female. Naked, riding him, demanding her right, taking her pleasure from her male. Screaming her release her scent in the air. It was intoxicating. Pre-cum seeped from him unbidden.
That was a first.
He knew all about mates. And what they meant to the Empire and the Cyborgs themselves. They had become everything in their long lives.
Searching for their brothers had gone on since they were free, taking priority in every Cyborg life. Finding those that were lost on long gone missions to space or had been sold into contracts. Family were family and they wanted them back. Their nanos seeming to know they needed more than that to survive the long years in Space. Needing a new purpose to go on. Cyborgs seemed to live for hundreds of years. They needed to evolve and become more human to survive, and they had but they were still Cyborg.
Legacy, something they never considered a possibility in their slavery days, was very real now. Genetic mates that their nanos accepted. The one female that could accept their DNA and give birth to legacy. Something of their own. Something special to them as an individual. Not shared with anyone else. Theirs alone.
The years of sharing everything and owning nothing were well behind them and they were still dealing with that fallout. Of what was left of the slavery days and programming.
Their life had not been pretty. They’d been created to wage war.
There was nothing gentle or caring about it. It was all brutality and programming. Theirs or others. It was all they knew and all they expected their life to be. Taking orders and working missions. Surviving it at all the surprise. It had been his life since birthing at 18 until the collapse of Earth Corp, their creators and owners.
He'd been born into slavery like thousands of others of his brothers. A whim of a CEO many generations before he was created. This CEO had the foresight to see that a private army was going to be needed to keep their interests from other Corporations. But unlike using ordinary soldiers, he set about having Genetic Designers work for him, scientists with genetic splicing experience. Those humans who had no issue over using human DNA in experiments and splicing it.
They wanted a super soldier, thousands of them and spent many decades in the creation.
Using prisoners from their own prisons, volunteers or those not volunteering at all but falling foul of the system. They used everyone and anyone to get the desired result. Keeping what worked and getting rid of what didn’t. Taking and keeping the samples they needed shutting down everything else and starting again building on each success until they had the result they’d been looking for. And when that wasn't enough, they incorporated metal frames, artificial limbs and organs, computers in their brains, an impulse network throughout their bodies, programming that not only allowed them to neuro link with others but it also controlled them.
Decades of slavery.
And it wasn't until the humans found out on Old Earth that the corporations had played God that they revolted. Demanding the Cyborgs be set free as sentient beings. Compensated for their life of cruelty and those that were responsible to stand in judgement.
Of course the corporations were not happy with any of that. They saw their profit margins going down the drain. A billion trillion enterprise being stopped. Economically it was a complete disaster. The money that had poured into the creation of their private army suddenly had no return.
That in combination with the colony program they’d set up in response to the mineral wealth they’d found on worlds far out in space that they were so desperate for, the collapse of society on Old Earth due to the pollution and over-mining, ironically created by the corporations themselves were their demise. Both enterprises were costly, enough to break the bank and finely balanced with those credits coming in and out. Upsetting that balance had been costly. Earth Corp and the other corporations were by then bleeding out and on the rails.
Old Earths own solar system exhausted by then.
And other more viable planets were out there.
It created the opportunity of unimaginable wealth and expansion to the corporations. And an escape to the problems of Old Earth for those that could afford it or had the skills to go. Many finding it as an answer to Old Earth being so polluted and dying, something that the corporations were responsible for in the first place.
Rather than fix the problems, their answer was to send others to go get more. Offering a chance of a new life into the bargain. The program seeded the universe over several decades.
Thousands of humans were sent out into space. For 100 years of mining rights if you met the conditions, you could go and start again.
For many it was the answer.
In ships with resources that were barely acceptable. Many of those ships failing both for Cyborgs and humans. People were lucky to survive but surprisingly survive they did in most cases. If they made their destination.
Some seed ships contracts were better than others. It depended on what you paid or what you had to offer. Some with 4D printers and materials to build a new world. Some with enough seed and animal embryos for food diversity. Others did not have bees, cows, goats and no possible way to make milk, cheese or butter. No honey as a sweetener and pollinator. No coffee beans to grow.
And if the colonists didn’t meet those contracts, they were removed from their new world and others took their place. It only worked if they provided the mineral wealth Earth Corp demanded. A resupply ship every 10 to 20 years until their 100 years were up.