Page 5 of One Night Rendezvous
"So will old age, but at least I'll enjoy these." I quirk my eyebrows at her, as I slide sixteen bucks across the counter. "Unless you wanna give me something else to enjoy." This is the first time I've blatantly flirted with her like this, and I don't even know what makes me do it right now. Other than the fact I need to feel like something besides a father working his ass off, and she appears to need something besides this damn job.
Her head tilts to the side. Tongue goes out to lick her lips. "You keep playing your cards right, Chevy, and I might."
I snort loudly, laughing at the guts she possesses. "You know my name's Ford, and if I'm lucky maybe you'll be screaming it one day soon." With those words, I turn on my heel and walk toward the door.
"What about your change?"
I turn back to face her. "Keep it safe for me. If I ever need something, I'll ask for it back."
She takes the coins out of the register and slides them in her pocket. "All you have to do is ask."
The garage is quiet and empty when I get there. Just the way I prefer to work. Pulling my phone out of my pocket, I fire off a quick text to my contact.
F: Where did you leave the car parked in the garage?
C: It's in the back, right hand corner, with a tarp covering it. I need to make sure the damage is fixed as soon as possible. My son was in an accident and I don't need it traced back to him.
F: Got it. I need half the payment. Is it here?
C: In the glove box. I'll give you the rest when the job is complete.
This feels so disgusting. I promised myself I would go straight once Felicity came into my life, but I just can't seem to make it work. Not even living in that shitty trailer. The rising cost of everything is killing me. Even though Tonya is in prison, and it's apparent I'm taking care of Felicity on my own, I can't get food stamps. The only thing the state is willing to give me is healthcare, which does help, but not with the day-to-day, making sure she's fed well, has milk, because that will help her grow strong, or fruit and veggies. There are so many times I feel like a second-class citizen because I'm her dad, and not her mom. There are little to no programs I seem to be able to qualify for, and that's why I'm right back to where I swore I'd never be.
Opening the glove box, there’s a sealed envelope. White and thick, stuffed full. Running my finger along the edge, I rip open the paper and quickly count the bills inside. This will make a dent in what I need, but it won't be enough. I'll have to do around four of these jobs, and the quicker I do it, the better I'll feel. Putting my earbuds in my ears, I turn up my rock playlist and get to work.
Two hours later, the first employees start coming into the shop, and I quickly cover up the car I'm working on.
"You're here early, Ford," Isaac—the newest guy on the crew—mentions as he walks in.
I shrug, acting like it doesn't matter. "Gotta do, what you gotta do, kid."
"What'd you do this morning?" He asks, taking a drink of his coffee.
I've been around long enough to know when people are being way too nosy for their own good. "Not that it's any of your business, but I had some bodywork to get caught up on." I didn't lie, but I didn't tell the whole truth either. "A private job, but I'm good for what we need to do today. You won't have to worry you're gonna need to pick up my slack. So let's get to work."
I don't miss the way he looks at me, trying to see beyond what I allow others to witness. No matter if he's just trying to be nice, or what, I won't allow him to fuck up what I need to do for my daughter. There's no one more important to me than her, and I'll be damned if I let this little shit push me into a corner that I won't be able to get out of.
It’s worried me all day long, hanging over my head like a cloud. Ford was cute and flirty that morning. Very flirty. And I like it way more than I ought to. Flirting back with him was a huge mistake and a distraction neither of us needs to get tangled up in. Especially if him being in here at the crack of dawn means what I think it does.
Taylor’s Autobody is notorious. Everyone in the county—and even beyond—knows about the shady shit that happens there. Ford’s been in the middle of it before. Breaking down stolen cars, covering up damage, padding insurance claims—you name it and they’ve done it. The hell of it is, Ford’s a good guy. He’s a good guy in a bad situation. But I’m not in any condition to save anyone. Not even myself.
In my mind, Felicity’s face flashes. That sweet little girl whose mom is locked up, and will be—if she’s lucky—for a long time. She needs her daddy. And she’s not going to have him if Ford gets caught with his hands in a pilfered pie again. So what do I do? How do I fix this?
I finish counting down my till at the end of shift. It’s two pennies short. Rather than deal with Gina, I dig two out of my pocket and toss them in. I can’t deal with a lecture. It’s weird how she’s nice sometimes and a complete bitch the other, but then I’ve been dealing with that my whole life. That describes my dad’s personality in a nutshell.
With the last of my tasks done, I head to the ancient time clock and punch out. Then I grab my stuff from the locker and head for the door. This job is only part-time. Sometimes I get thirty plus hours a week, sometimes I only get twenty or so. This is one of the twenty-hour weeks. Which means I’ll have a ton of time on my hands to tackle projects at the trailer and maybe do something that might make it more, not just livable, but loveable. I don’t want to hate my life. That’s a one-way ticket to a kind of misery that doesn’t fade. Which means, I need to accept some of the things that have come my way and make the best of them.
I step outside, get into my car, slide the key into the ignition and … nothing. Not a cough, sputter, groan or click. It’s just dead as hell. So much for my attempt to force a little positivity into my life.
I dig my phone out of my purse and try to think of who to call. Lizzie and Troy would come help me, but I’m always calling them for a rescue. Cassie would come pick me up in the Swagger Wagon, as I love to call her pink Caddy. But I know she and Cam are having a date night and I don’t want to interrupt them. Emma or Cody would come, but I’m so fucking sick of being the damsel in distress.
A knock on the window startles me and I look up to see a familiar face. Ford.
I open the door, since the windows won’t work until the car will turn on. “Hey.”