Page 14 of To Tame An Angel
When I pressed the vial to his lips and he obediently drank, my body burst into fire. The days of hunting him down, dragging him back, chaining him, healing him, and finally discovering his slight curiosity left me desperately wishing to fuck him.
But no. Not yet. I want him to want it.
When he finished the medicine, he made a disgusted face. His tongue flicked out as he gagged. “That was awful, god.”
I lifted his chin and cleaned him. “Good boy.”
He stiffened, and his eyes slicked to me, watching me. Oh, yes. There’s certainly a half-hard cock under him. The scent became stronger, and I felt that warmth between my own legs. This time, he didn’t argue. He also didn’t know the medicine would make him sleepy fairly quickly. We both desperately needed rest.
I began unchaining him and he lay clicking his tongue and shifting, unhappy with his medicine. First one foot, then the other. He didn’t kick me; he was rather still, and I wondered if he’d fallen asleep. When I walked around to his arms, he blinked at me tiredly. I quickly unchained his arms, and they dropped onto the bed.
“What was in that?” he murmured.
I rolled him onto his back. He was dead weight and massive. I sat next to him and leaned forward, pushing back his matted hair. His eyes were lethargic, and he clasped my forearm, but there was no strength in it. It was almost a caress.
“Medicine.” I said. “Rest now.”
“I don’t want to fall asleep,” and there was a tinge of panic in his voice.
Leaning forward, I soothed my hand over his chest. “You’re safe. I’m here and I won’t let anyone hurt you.”
He swallowed thickly and stared at me for a moment, his breath sharp.
I captured his face in my hands even as he strained against it with the last bit of his strength.
“You’ll feel better when you wake,” I said and softly ran my finger over his cheek.
His eyes were on me as he took one last panicked breath.
“You fucking bit--” his head slumped sideways, and he passed out.
I felt all the tension in my shoulders dissipate. But when I looked at his cock… I was right. His erection was quickly sinking, but sure enough, he’d been hard. Very, very hard.
I woke to the strangest sensation. I was warm and comfortable. It was so sharply different from what I’ve known that I jolted awake just to prove I was alive and not dead. Startling, I found the lady standing in a clean gown speaking with another woman. They both turned to me.
“You’re awake,” the lady said, and she gave me a small smile that looked like relief.
The other woman had a sharp needle-like face. “Remember, twice a day. He should be healed in two days. You did a fine job, Lady Nalla.”
Soft blankets covered me, and my feet were properly bandaged, as were my arms. I have very little discomfort. It’s the strangest of sensations. Also, I’m unchained. I cannot recall the last time I was unchained aside from the few fleeting days of my escape.
“Thank you, Hannah,” Nalla said as the woman handed her four more vials of that acrid thing she called medicine. If she believed I was drinking it again, she’ll have to pour it down my throat.
The older woman cast me a look of disdain. “I’ll inform the General that you’ll need a few more days given his… behavior.”
The woman left, and Nalla quietly watched the door with worry. I shifted on the bed, wishing to stand but knowing I’d get nowhere with my feet wrapped in gauze as they are.
“I’m not drinking anymore of that sludge,” I said.
Nalla turned to me, the small glass vials clinking in her hands. “The thorn was from a snap bush. It’s poison and unless you drink the vials, blackness will spread up your leg and you’ll need amputation. If it’s not too late, that is. It’ll poison your blood and you’ll die writhing in agony.”
All my life I’ve heard nothing of these medicines and suddenly she has them for all ailments. But her description sounds familiar. I once saw a man die in those conditions and it was awful. He begged for a quick death over and over, but it was never granted.
She sighed and moved closer, setting the vials on the small wooden table, lining them up for me. She took one and handed it to me.