Page 18 of To Tame An Angel
“No,” he blurted, and his throat bobbled up and down. “It’s strange because it’s different. There’s no… malice. Just mirth.”
I looked away and tucked my hair behind my ear. “Let me get your back.”
I stood, and he was confused when I pushed him forward and slid behind him, sitting on the pillows. He was stiff, looking at me over his shoulder. Our faces were close, and I squeezed his shoulder in reassurance.
When the sponge met his back and the hot water slid down his spine, he let out a sigh that seemed to expel all of his worries. He leaned forward and moaned in pleasure.
“Gods,” he murmured, and I had to bite my lip as my cunt contracted while I watched his face.
“It’s nice, yes?” I asked, running the sponge down his back, making him arch.
“Yes,” he lets out a breath.
“I need more water,” I said and gave him the sponge. He quickly dunked it into the basin and as he brought it to me, it drenched his legs, creating small circles of transparent sheet where I could see his cock.
I pressed the sponge to the back of his neck and squeezed; he moaned and gripped my other hand. We’re certainly going to include this in our routine. Watching him enjoy this is spurting a fire of desire deep within me. Boldly, I sat up on my knees and leaned over his shoulder. My breasts pressed against his back.
“Lift your arms, darling,” I murmured against his chin.
He did, and I washed under his arms, allowing my fingers to linger softly against his sensitive skin. To my surprise, he leaned back into me, pressing his forehead against my neck.
It’s such a tender thing I can’t help but cradle his head against me as I wash under his ears, earning small noises of contentment. His cock hardened.
Then he whispered, “Tannor. My name is Tannor.”
I paused and looked down at him. He lazily blinked. His blue eyes were so dark they seemed black. I found it hard to swallow. Despite knowing this man belonged to me, it was all just paper; he didn’t actually belong to me. Furthermore, can people even belong to people? There was a sweetness to receiving his name. I cupped it in my heart and cherished it. It’ll make all the lessons and anticipation so much better when I finally allowed him in me. It’ll be exquisite.
Sliding my hand down his chest, I held his eyes and slowly uncovered the sheet from between his legs. He held my gaze as he gasped. His cock is ready for the handling. The thrill that at this moment I could do anything I liked to him gushed my cunt and I slightly ground myself against him. He panted out a little puff of a breath.
“I’m going to wash your cock now, Tannor,” I said.
“Yes, please,” he hissed.
I smiled a little wickedly. Squeezing the sponge, the water rainfalls over his penis, making him buckle, pressing himself further into me, grabbing my legs behind him and squeezing me.
I dropped the sponge.
“So dirty,” I murmured into his ear as my fingers encircled the shaft. It’s engorged and warm, slick with water. I yanked at him, delighting in his sudden desperation. He curved, desperate for more of my touch. “I have to make sure I clean it well if I’m going to allow it inside of me.”
At my words, he becomes desperate, encircling my wrist, his head thrown back, eyes closed, throat exposed. I leaned into his neck and slowly licked him from the base of his throat to his ear, making his skin break out in goose bumps. He thrust into my hand and just as I felt like he would lose control; I let go of his cock.
His breath was sharp, and he opened his eyes as he stared at me over his shoulder. I leaned in and bit his cheek, a little peck.
“This is a lesson in denial, Tannor,” I hissed.
Then I slid myself out from behind him. He looked right down enraged, but with his weeping cock between his legs, he looked almost comical.
“What -” He was outraged.
“That’s for running away,” I said and ensured he watched me as I flickered my nipple through my gown, letting out a moan. “Now, if you’ll excuse me… since you’ve not earned the right to pleasure me, I have to handle it myself.”
He pitched forward, outstretching his hand. “Come here, fuck all these rules.”
I shook my head. “No. I like these rules. I like to see you sitting there, cock so desperate for me and knowing you can’t have me. Sitting like a denied lad, unable to enter me.”
The smell of his arousal exploded at my words. With dark eyes, he angrily pushed down his cock. Useless as it sprung back up.
“Stop using your magic!”