Page 29 of To Tame An Angel
Rynn provided me with a coy look. “Is he truly massive? Valle said he was!”
I laughed and pulled her in, kissing her forehead. “Enjoy your innocence, because it’ll quickly disappear the moment mother begins your training.”
She was fifteen and all bright and sunshine, understanding very little of the dynamics. For now, she was tasked with studying history, arithmetic, and fighting techniques. Her tutelage would begin next year.
“I could tame a man now.” She held up her small hand and a sparse spark flittered from her fingertips.
Valle grabbed us and pulled us deeper into the garden. “I need breakfast and we can catch up while we feed the pregnant woman.”
We settled around the table, nestled in the center of my gardens, amongst the roses and freesias and the bees dancing from opened bud to open bud. There’s entirely too much food, but Valle looked delighted, and I was ravenous myself.
“Mother sent you?” I asked afterwards as the plates were removed by servants and warm tea was served.
Valle looked so content with her meal she didn’t bother denying mother’s assignment. “She worries.”
“All the time,” Rynn pipped, and I kicked her lightly under the table. “It’s true, she won’t even talk about father. Ever.”
Rynn doesn’t know that our father is not her father. What did it even matter? Father was long gone, and mother sought solace in one of her many men. For all we knew, Rynn’s father served her breakfast each morning without being able to tell her of his identity.
Valle glanced at me and inhaled sharply.
I leaned towards Rynn and smiled. “I have a new palomino pony.”
Rynn’s eyes widened, and her mouth dropped open.
“I rode it the other day. A fine galloper,” I said in a tempting tone.
Our little sister leaned forward in desperation, her gaze wide. “Oh, may I take it for a ride? Please say yes!”
Pretending to think about it, I feigned a resigned sigh. “But no harsh jumps.”
Her chair toppled backwards before I could heed her to calm, and she called wildly for the servants to saddle up the beast for her to ride.
“Very clever,” Valle said with a smile as she blew into her hot teacup.
My face fell, and I turned sharply to her. “Cut the niceties and tell me.”
She raised a brow, and her hand came to her belly, soothing the child within. “How testy, Nalla. Mother was right to worry. A few days into a taming and you should glow with how many times he’s made you come.”
Her words were acrid, burning my skin with the reality of my predicament. Valle never had such issues. Her men gladly submitted to her just at the sight of her beauty. I looked away, my eyes on the dancing bee hovering over the flowers. The bee led such a simple life so far away from the complexities clouding mine.
“He hates me.” The confession escaped because I had to tell someone. If I didn’t, it would scorch my throat raw like acid.
Valle hummed. “Of course he does, darling. What did you expect?”
I shrugged, losing all interest in the cooling tea. “I don’t know. Something like what you have, I suppose.”
She inhaled and closed her eyes, allowing the sun to toast her cheeks. “Every man is different. Some never enjoy it. Others delight in it.”
“I thought he enjoyed it. He was simply pretending,” I said bitterly.
“Cocks don’t harden on their own, Nalla.” Her voice was coy and full of laughter. “And concerning yourself, if he’s enjoying it will sap your own pleasure. Let it be up to him if he enjoys it. Worry about your own orgasms, darling. I’m certain if men had their choice, they would come in five seconds, never giving a spare thought if we were even wet.”
I contemplated her words, sinking into the plush chair and burying myself in my morose thoughts. Her knowing eyes were on me, and I felt myself tired from the constant studying everyone seemed to do.
“You thought it would—what? A relationship?” She wasn’t mocking me, but there’s a slight tone of incredulity.
I glanced away. “No. I know it’s not allowed.”