Page 69 of To Tame An Angel
And so, I stayed. Allon brought me a comfortable chair and a nice hearty soup, which I ate quickly and went back to holding Tanor’s wrist. He sat next to me, and we quietly conversed, stealing happy glances at one another whenever we discovered something we both enjoyed. Some hours later, I fell asleep, resting my head against Tannor’s leg.
I woke when someone gently set a blanket over my back. When I blinked, I saw an older man with a wide face and skin, hair, and eyes like mine. His hair was white, tied back, and he dressed in plain clothing, with his wide white wings neatly tucked behind him.
We stared at one another, unsure of what to say. I knew him, would’ve known him in a crown of strangers. Hale. My father.
Slowly, Hale smiled, his eyes watering. He cupped my face, and wordlessly pulled me into his embrace. It was like being found. I clutched his shirt tightly and he pressed his face into my hair.
“Oh, my girl,” he sighed, and I dug my fingers into his chest. “I thought I would never meet you.”
I looked up and studied his face, memorizing the lines cutting the edge of his eyes and how bushy his eyebrows were. He was still very handsome, and I could see why mother had loved him.
“I suppose there is much to say between you and I,” he said and urged me to sit.
I kept my hand on Tannor’s leg, but father and I sat together. He would ask questions and I would answer them. Truthfully. Even if the truth would hurt him. It often did, and I saw the frowns he had, knowing he too would need time to process the information I provided him.
When there were no more words we sat in companionable silence.
“You’re welcome to stay here. There’s plenty of land and work. I know it’s not a castle,” he glanced at me.
“I’ve had castles,” I said quickly, pressing my fingers into Tannor’s calf. “I’ve had castles and felt completely alone. I just want… I just want to live and be loved and be with the one I love.”
Sadly, he nodded, as if he wished that too for himself. My heart broke knowing he’d gone so long without it. But I took his hand and held it tightly. Mother might never join us and Zaya and Valle might be lost. But we would begin again, with our small family, and make the best of it.
Nine days later, Tannor opened his eyes. And when he did, I was there. Refreshed and healed myself, looming over him with a look of relief. When he saw me, he sighed and sank into the pillows with a smile.
Two Years Later
When Tannor entered the small home, he was sweating with the deer over his broad shoulders skinned and ready for us to begin portioning the animal for food. We fell into an easy lull of tasks; I sliced the knife for the appropriate portions, and he took the pieces and buried them in the salt jars for preservation. A few kills like this and we’d be set for the winter plus enough to share with Allon, whose wife just gave birth to their first child.
We hardly touched each other as we progressed but when we did, our gazes met, and I could see lust lingering in the whites of his eyes. I had denied him touch for a few days for we had discovered when I placed him in a chastity routine, we enjoyed everything so much more. The delight of the wait. He walked around with his cock half hard all the time. I ignored it. In bed he would try to nuzzle into me, begging for my love and I gave him my back.
Some moments it took everything in me to ignore him, but I enjoyed the small sounds of frustration he made. His lust grew as the hours and days passed. His desire for me had him restless, like a wildebeest pacing the floor. That’s when I encouraged him to hunt and so great was the energy caged within him that he always landed a deer, or an elk. Last time he brought a wild hog. I punished him for that for I was petrified of him being hurt.
Once we were done with the task, and the deer was stripped down to pure white bone, I watched him discarding the bones to the dogs outside. I cleaned my hands thoroughly along with the space we used. I noticed Tannor from the fluttering of the window, he came back from the pond, scrubbing himself clean, naked with his cock bouncing against his thigh.
I never informed him of the day when we’re allowed to couple once more, it was always a surprise. He sought the cool lake water to calm his cock. I deeply lusted for him, for the feel of him within me, for the sense of entering him with my phallus. For the lovely bounce of his ass when I slapped him hard, hard enough to hurt and capture the small gasps that left his mouth.
He was dry by the time he reentered, and I was naked waiting for him. He paused at the door and stared at me. His eyes were instantly dark, and relief painted his cheekbones.
“Come here, my angel,” I said.
He was standing before me in three long steps, and I reached out my hand to cup his face. He knelt before me and slid his hands up my legs, leaning into my touch with closed eyes. It had been two days since we touched in this manner, and he’d been patient. I pulled his head to my chest, and he nuzzled my breasts, heavy with the milk which will soon feed our child. His hands caressed my belly, kissing it and assuring himself the child was still there.
My fingers scratched his head and his wings trembled, something I never tired of witnessing. He sank against me, and I ran my fingers over the wings, delighting in the softness of the feathers. He shuddered, his body tight with lust as he clutched me.
“Nalla,” he whispered.
“Tell me what you want from me, Tannor,” I pulled his chin up and my beautiful angel stared up at me with clear blue eyes.
He blinked and took my hand, intertwining our fingers, kissing my knuckles and licking my wrist. My cunt flooded with need. I opened my hand, and he placed his lips against the lines that trapezed my skin. Fortune lines.
“I want this hand,” he kissed my palm, “on my ass.”
I slowly smiled. “And then?”