Page 109 of Risky Desires
“Hey, Briggs, come check this out.”
The second man jumped down, and his boots thumped onto the dirt floor.
The first guy nodded at Briggs. “She says we killed the guy.”
“You did. You bastards.” I sucked in a shaky breath like I was all choked up. “This is what you want, right? Here, take it!”
I shoved the device toward Briggs, making sure my boobs wobbled.
Briggs wriggled his eyebrows at his partner, then took a step closer to me, his eyes fixed on my breasts. “What’s your name, sweetheart?”
“I’m not your fucking sweetheart.”
“Woo.” Briggs sneered. “Looks like we have a feisty one, Clark.”
Clark grinned and lowered his gun.
My heart pounded in my chest. With every breath, the air thickened around me. Fear and anticipation filled my mind.
Briggs snatched the device from my hand, and his sick grin grew bigger as his gaze lingered way too long on my chest.
Suppressing a shudder, I snapped my hands over my boobs. “You have it now. Let me go.”
“What do we do with her?” Clark asked, eyeing me with a mixture of lust and suspicion.
“I have a few ideas.” Briggs rolled his shoulders and swung his rifle around to his back.
A massive rock slammed into Clark’s head, and he dropped like a stone. Briggs spun around, grappling for his gun. Tyler dove onto his back, driving him face-first into the giant boulder.
The bastard bounced off the rock like the boulder was made of rubber, spun around with blood pouring from his nose, and swung his fist at Tyler.
Tyler dodged his fist and punched Briggs, but it glanced off his cheek.
Groaning, Clark rolled onto his hands and knees and wobbled.
Tyler and Briggs punched like prize boxers. While Tyler was light on his bare feet, dodging Briggs’ fierce blows, Briggs was like a fridge with thick arms, putting his weight behind every punch.
Their movements were a blur against the beautiful moonlit backdrop. Their grunts and blows echoed off the cave walls behind me.
Tyler plowed his fist into the asshole’s jaw, and he stumbled toward me.
I scrambled out of the way, crossing to the other side.
Briggs’ bloody face contorted with rage as he lunged at Tyler, grabbing him in a bear hug and driving his back into the giant boulder.
The wind punched out of Tyler, but he pummeled his fists into the bastard’s back.
I picked up the rock that had knocked Clark down. Screaming, I smashed it into the back of Briggs’ head.
The bastard spun to me, swinging his arm, and his fat hand swiped my cheek.
I crashed to the ground.
Tyler released a fierce roar and charged at Briggs, driving the bastard to the edge of the cliff like a battering ram. Briggs tried to push back, but Tyler gave him a massive shove.
Briggs clawed at the air between them, but it was too late. He let out a guttural cry as he hurled over the edge. I ran to Tyler’s side and watched Briggs disappear into the darkness.
Panting with exhaustion, Tyler marched back to Clark.